Chapter 2

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In the street, Marinette walks down the street and she starts to look sad, she reaches the front door and walks in.

Sabine: (holding the baby) Hey, honey. You're back early.

Marinette: Ye-yeah

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Marinette: Ye-yeah. I decided to not stay long.

Sabine: Are you okay? Did something happen?

Marinette: No, no. Nothing happened. I'm gonna go upstairs. *She goes upstairs to her room, Tom, TJ, Timmy, and Priscilla watch her go upstairs. *

TJ: I don't think she's okay.

Tom: It's just a phase, she'll be alright

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Tom: It's just a phase, she'll be alright.

Sabine: Okay. Come on, Mei Lin, open up for Mama. *She fed Mei Lin, and Mei Lin cooed and giggled. In her bedroom, Marinette looked at the pictures of Adrien, she sighed, and Tikki appeared. *

Tikki: You okay, Marinette?

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Tikki: You okay, Marinette?

Marinette: Honestly...  do you think I made a mistake in telling Adrien the truth?

Tikki: You spoke the truth, Marinette. I'm sure he'll start seeing reality.

Marinette: Maybe. But now... my love for him will never work out. *She starts taking down the pictures of Adrien and puts them in the trash. * If I want to forget about Adrien, the best bet is to throw away anything that reminds me of him. *She picked up the charm he made for her on her birthday, and she looked at it. *

Tikki: It's Adrien's present to you

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Tikki: It's Adrien's present to you. You're gonna throw it away?

Marinette: 'If you want something that reminds you about your past, you have to get rid of that past.' No. I'm giving it to Timmy. Hold on. *She goes downstairs and heads to the living room. * Hey.

Timmy: Hey.

Marinette: I want you to have this

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Marinette: I want you to have this. *She showed him a charm. *

Timmy: What is it?

Marinette: It's an old lucky charm. I don't need it anymore. You can have it.

Timmy: Cool. Does it work?

Marinette: Uh... maybe?

Timmy: Cool! I feel the luck already.

TJ: No fair. Can I have one?

Marinette: Sorry TJ, that's the only one I have.

TJ: Darn it!

Marinette: But I'll make you one.

TJ: Cool.

Tom: Honey, are you sure you're okay? You've been pretty upset since you came home.

Tom: Honey, are you sure you're okay? You've been pretty upset since you came home

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Marinette: I'm fine, Dad. Don't worry.

Tom: Okay. If you feel like talking, we'll be down here.

Marinette: Okay. *She goes upstairs back to her room. *

Sabine: I'm gonna put Mei Lin down for her nap.

Priscilla: Can I do it, Mom?

Priscilla: Can I do it, Mom?

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Sabine: Sure, Priscilla. *She lends Mei Lin to Priscilla and she goes upstairs to Mei Lin's room. *

Real meaning of love (A Lukanette story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt