Chapter 3

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In the houseboat, Juleka and Rose were talking, along with Mylene, Alya, and Alix.

In the houseboat, Juleka and Rose were talking, along with Mylene, Alya, and Alix

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Rose: I guess Marinette spoke the truth.

Mylene: Looks that way. Should we feel worried about her? Just a feeling she might regret herself when she told Adrien the truth.

Alix: Puh-lease! That boy is too blind to see Marinette as more than a friend than just a friend. It's too obvious he'll feel the same way.

Rose: I don't know. Their faces said otherwise. Does he seem happy with Kagami?

Alya: She sure was fun and giggling with Adrien. I doubt it though.

Juleka: Well what can we do?

Alya: I'll FaceTime her. *She got her phone out and FaceTimeed Marinette. In Marinette's house, Marinette was reading a book in her room, soon, her phone rang and she looked at it. It's Alya FaceTiming her. She answered it. * Hey. You okay?

Marinette: Yeah

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Marinette: Yeah. Why?

Alya: You were unhappy when you told Adrien how you felt.

Marinette: I don't care who he be with, if he wants to be happy with any other girl, I want to be a bigger person and just accept he's never gonna see me more than a friend. Just don't bring him up.

Alya: Okay. If you're sure.

Marinette: Yeah. Anyway, I gotta go. I promised Priscilla I help her with her dress for her junior prom next weekend.

Alya: Alright. We'll come over later.

Marinette: Okay. *She ends the FaceTime call and she gets started on the dress. *

Alya: Guess she's handling it well.

Alix: Really?

Alix: Really?

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