Chapter Twelve

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Annabeth rummaged through her book, scanning the pages for information that could help her. Currently, she was wondering more about the mark she had seen on Draco's forearm — it wasn't something she had seen before yet it registered as important in her mind.

From what she understood, he wasn't proud of it, always pulling his sleeves down to cover it and adverting his eyes when it was exposed. And Annabeth wanted to know what it meant. What it stood for.

And why it made her brother get a distant, sad look in his gray eyes.

She sighed in frustration and slammed another book closed. Rubbing her eyes, she yawned and stretched. She supposed she could simply ask Draco but she knew the look in his eye when she gave him a questioning look — this was not a matter he wished to discuss anytime soon. So, Annabeth would have to figure it out herself.

Or, with just a bit of help.

Annabeth cracked a crick in her neck and then shook out her limbs before standing up. She made her way out of her and Percy's common room and into the halls, feeling like she had just walked out of a movie theater in broad daylight. Going from the peaceful quiet of her rooms and into the depths of the crowded, bustling halls was quite the shock.

She blinked a few times and then decided to head for the library, hoping that she could either find another book or Hermione to help her.

Instead, upon entering, she quickly found the library to be deserted, all except for Harry Potter. Annabeth bit her lip and made her way over to him, tapping lightly on his table as not to startle him. He looked up at her in a daze and blinked; his eyes cleared.

"Oh, Professor." He cleared his throat. "Sorry. Big potions assignment due this week. Can I help you with something?"

"Actually, you may be able to. May I sit down?"

"Of course," he said, gesturing to the seat across from him. "What can I do?"

Annabeth rapped her knuckles on the table, unsure. She thought the answer to her question may not be answered without bias if she asked Harry, but on the other hand, it wasn't as if Hermione was a fan of Annabeth's brother either. "I have a question that I'm having trouble finding the answer to. I think it relates to your war, which is something I know is a touchy subject. If you do not wish to answer, I'll understand."

Harry pursed his lips in confusion but nodded for Annabeth to continue. So, she did.

"The tattoos on some of the students' arms ..." she trailed off at the look on Harry's face. "It's not good, is it?"

Harry's expression was sour. "You mean the Dark Mark. Malfoy has one."

Annabeth's stomach hollowed out at the disgust and contempt in Harry's voice and features. What had Draco gotten himself into over here? She wasn't exactly clear on his quest but she did know it involved getting intel on Voldemort's army, which she was beginning to think meant Draco had joined their side to gather it. She hated the idea of her brother involved in such darkness and despair. If it were true, she had no reason to ponder at the change in his demeanor — what he had done for the wizarding world had changed him forever. She gulped. "What is it, exactly? This Dark Mark?"

Harry sighed, lifting up his glasses so that he could rub his eyes. She watched with interest as he reached behind him, perused the book collection for a moment, and selected one. Dropping the large book on the table between them, Harry opened the book to the middle and turned it towards Annabeth. The mark she had glimpsed on Draco's forearm was inked before her, the skull's mouth open with a snake slithering out of the darkness; she shivered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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