Chapter Nine

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Harry wasn't quite sure what was wrong with Hermione.

He knew she was furious about Ron, so, why then, did she look so not furious now? Not to mention the fact that she was hanging around Malfoy much more in the past week — through the gleam of hatred in her eyes was still strong, it was nothing compared to what it once was. What was going on?

"Hey, Gin?" Harry turned to his girlfriend with a thoughtful expression.

"Hm?" Ginny had her head in his lap and was lazily flipping through her charms book (not that she needed much help in that area). The day was sunny and warm so they say underneath a tree lining the perimeter of the lake; a fresh sea breeze lifted the fiery strands of her hair and had them dance across his chin and cheeks.

Harry watched Hermione from afar as she caught up to Professors Chase and Jackson as they walked along the other side of the lake. It seemed she had been pursuing them much more in the past days too.

"Have you noticed anything weird about how Hermione is acting?" he asked Ginny carefully.

Ginny laughed and a piece of her hair blew away from her face. "Besides the fact that she's miserable about my idiot, wretched, dumb – "

"No, don't you see? She was upset but now it's like ... she has a bigger problem." Harry contemplated for a second, watching the interaction unfolding across the lake. The three had turned from the lake and were heading towards the Forbidden Forest, which piqued Harry's interest even further. "See! Look! They're heading to the Forest. Does that not strike you as a bit odd?"

Ginny bit her lip and frowned. "I guess she has been kind of odd over the past couple of days. Now that I think about it, I don't even know if she's come into the dormitory the past few nights. And I haven't heard her say anything about needing to study vigorously in a while. Maybe something is up."

"Not studying?" Harry chuckled nervously. "Something is definitely up."

"Well what are we supposed to do? Are we not past our meddling and sneaking around years?" Ginny absently twirled her wand through her slim fingers, her eyes watching Hermione's slim figure walk alongside the odd professors.

Harry sighed; Ginny was quite right. Harry wasn't above following people, as he had done so before, but he was above following his friend. He wasn't going to force something that Hermione would no doubt tell them herself when she was ready. "I suppose you're right."

"I always am," she said sagely, dodging out of the way of Harry as he tried to poke her side. "The sooner you learn that, the better."

"Mhm," he replied, still lost in thought. What an odd year it was already becoming— new curriculum, American professors, Ron's leaving, and now this all with Hermione? Indeed, it seemed that Harry would not get through his school years with one perfectly normal year.

It made him wonder what normal even meant anymore.

* * *


Hermione knew many things, which was precisely why feeling clueless was her biggest fear. And she was facing it today.

When Hermione heard a clatter in the halls, she was quick to dismiss it as Peeves and nothing more. However, no matter how annoying Peeves was, he had never made such a distraction, which was precisely what drew her out of the Gryffindor common room and into the hallways to investigate. It didn't take long to figure out who the true culprit was.

Hermione didn't quite believe her eyes for a moment of two, and she found her mind jumping to her first year, in which she had been cornered by a loose goblin. Instantly, she felt much, much smaller and all thoughts of what to do fled her mind. She couldn't recall ever seeing something quite so large and terrifying, even having fought giants and ridden a dragon. Nothing compared to staring up at the bloodthirsty monster, and feeling her heart shudder to a stop when it sniffed in her direction and seemed to recognize her as its target.

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