That didn't go unnoticed by you.

"You guys know something don't you?" You ask suspiciously, narrowing your eyes.

"Bill knows!" Stan is quick to point a finger as he scrams away from you.

You look at Bill,"So Bill tell me what this is about."

You could legit see him sweating because of how nervous he is.

"U-u-h a-a-s-s-k R-Richie," Bill's stutter got way worse as he tells you that and runs away almost knocking onto Eddie who stood hiding in a corner listening to your conversation, Eddie shhs Bill and glares at him as Bill goes away, relieved he got away from you two.

Richie, You think to yourself as you stride away to hunt Richard down.

In the corner, Eddie Kaspbrack stays hidden as you pass by him, not noticing him. He sighs to himself seeing that you didn't see him, then he almost screams remembering that you were going to see Richie.

He takes his inhaler out and takes a puff in. He runs away to the gym, knowing that Richie was inside, he passed by you who was searching for Richie. And he didn't even see you.

So you being the curious person you are, you decided to follow him, Eddie goes into the gym and shortly after you follow him, seeing his back enter the boys locker room.

You tip toe to the locker room and keep your ear on it, hearing Eddie and Richie talk.

Inside Eddie talks to Richie, completely oblivious to the fact that you were standing outside listening to their conversation.

"Richie! Come out!" Eddie snaps.

Richie comes out of crouching down next to a few boxes, where he hid after hearing someones footsteps outside.

"What do you need Ed's Spaghetti?" He asks smirking.

"Ok so the worst thing ever happened, I saw Y/N and Bill talking so I hid behind a corner and listened to them talking because I wanted to know what's going on because I-" Eddie says to be cut off by Richie saying,"You like Y/N I know so?"

Y/N stifles a gasp outside.

"So as I was saying," Eddie gives  Richie a death glare,"Because I like Y/N, and then she tells Bill and Stan, Stan just got there, that I acted weird today-"

He gets cut off by Richie again,"Yes you did act like a complete idiot today. "

Eddie sends another death glare to Richie, " I know I just get nervous around her so anyways and Stan blurts out to ask Bill and he just runs away and thank God Bill didn't tell her, he just told her that you know and to ask you so I saw her coming and searching for you which is why I ran here to make sure you do not tell her, cause I don't want to have my heart broken and and and-" Eddie takes a puff off his inhaler.

Richie places a hand on Eddie's shoulder, "Eddie don't worry, she likes you okay? I know that, and please just go and tell her that."

Eddie sighs,"I want to tell her so bad, u want to hug her and kiss her, even though I would get germs and protect her from any guys and just- and just -and just call her mine but I know she'll reject me."

The locker room door opens and Y/N steps in,"How would you know I'd do that?"

Richie glances between the two, "I'm going to go wait outside."

Eddie looks anywhere but at Y/N as Richie goes outside and closes the door behind him, secretly listening in on them.

Y/N walks to Eddie and places a finger under Eddie's chin, and turned his face,making him look at her.

She softly smiles at him,"Look Eddie, I like you too."

Eddie's eyes widen,"No that's bit possible, you can't like me I'm the germaphobe that no one like you can't like me, I love you but you can't like me back that's not possible."

Y/N sighs, done with this shit and pulls him closer to her by wrapping her arms around his neck and placing her lips roughly on his.

Eddie surprised, doesn't know what to do, but he eventually kisses back, still astonished.

The kiss was everything and more, perfect, sweet, caring, loyal, love and Y/N finally understood why people say kissing someone for the first time ,someone that you love feels as if there are fire works going off, because she felt that too.

Eddie grins at her as she slowly pulls away, that cute innocent smile she fell in love with, made her fall in love with him all over again. He takes a puff from his inhaler, just to calm down.

She smiled back as Eddie shyly looked down and took her hand in his,"Will you be mine?"

Y/N stared at Eddie who stood there with pink tinted cheeks, she held their already joined hands with her other hand and grinned at Eddie," Of course."

You here a gasp from outside and you and Eddie glance at each other before going to the door and opening it, making Richie fall to the floor.

"Uh-" Richie says as you and Eddie burst out laughing.

Eddie kisses your cheek as you squeeze your still intertwined hands.

1540 Words.
Comment if this was as cute as I thought it was.

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