Chapter 11: The End

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It is a spring day. Harry and Hermione will have a child. Their symbol of love will be born soon.
Hermione's point of view
   I am at home. The baby is my priority and I want it to be healthy and happy. Harry is at work. He tales his Auror training seriously and I am happy that he is passionate about something. I walk to my own library to take a book to read.
I climbed my ladder, but I slipped and I fell on the floor. My tummy hurts really bad. I hope that the baby isn't hurt. I see how blood is dripping from my uterus. I start to cry and everything went black.
Harry's point of view
I came home.
"Hermione, dear, I am home." I yelled
Maybe she's in the bathroom. I ran upstairs and I didn't find her there. Maybe she's in the library. I see her hand covered in blood. I lift her up and I disapparated to St.Mungo's. The healers took her in the nursery and let me wait. I can't stand to wait. I can't lose her. I love her so much, she is my everything and our child will be my world.
A nurse came with a baby boy in her arms. He looks like an angel, wonderful.  He has his mother's brown hair. The nurse put him in my arms. The baby opened his eyes and I discovered that he has my eyes. My beautiful son. The nurse led me to Hermione's room and she was sleeping.
After 11 years, Hermione, our kids: James Sirius,  Albus Severus, Lily Luna and I went to the Platform 9 3/4. We said goodbye to our son.

                               The end

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