Chapter 9

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It is a rainy day. The world is resting for now. Peace was reinstalled in the wizarding world by Harry Potter.
Many lives were lost, friends, family, teachers.
At the Burrow, things are dreadful. Arthur and Molly lost a child in the war. Fred Weasley was a brave, goofy boy. He and his brother were inseparable. George didn't sleep for the past few days. He locked himself in his room hoping that his brother will come back.
Today was the funeral of Fred Weasley.
They are in the cemetery. Their tears are covered by the raindrops.
Everyone is crying. Fred looked as if he was sleeping in his coffin. The priest wanted to cover the coffin, but George protested.
" No, my brother is just sleeping, he can't breathe if you cover him." George cried.
His eyes are puffy, he has dark circles under his eyes and he looks so tired and skinny. He and his brother were supposed to be at their magical shop, but that wouldn't happen again. George will work alone there now. He will be alone for the rest of his life. He lost his other half. Fred was everything to him. He watched as the coffin was set in the ground, where he will sleep forever.
"Mom, no, please, you can't let them do that." cried George in his mother's arms.
And, with the funeral over, the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and Draco left the cemetery.
George wanted to say some goodbye words alone.
" I love you, brother. Sleep well, I will tell you all about it when I see you again"

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