Chapter 5

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Harry woke up in the middle of the night all frightened. He went out of the tent to guard it.
Suddenly, a silver doe made its way to the river. Harry followed it. The silver doe vanished when she arrived at a hole made in the icy river. Harry threw his clothes away and jumped in the water. The sword of Gryffindor was in there and he wanted to take it.
But, the locket didn't let him. In fact, that locket almost drowned him, but Ron was quick and came in the rescue of his friend.
"Bloody hell, mate. What are you doing here?" Ron asked
"I took the sword out of the water, shouldn't you be with Lavender?" Harry said.
Ron's face fell. He tried to find her for months, but no sign of her.
"You have to destroy it, Ron." Hardy pointed to the locket. " You saved me." Harry added.
" Ok," Ron said determinedly.
Harry open the locket and a grey smoke came out of it.
" Ronald Weasley, I own you. I know your fears, and I will make them worse! The only girl that loved you is dead, your family didn't want you I'm their lives. Your best friends hate you." the locket said.
Ron was full of determination, he didn't want to listen to the locket. He knows that Lavender is alright, that his family and his best friends love him and there wasn't any moment of insecurity in him. Ron rushed to the locket with the sword and destroy it.
After that, the boys returned to Hermione, who was worried sick for Harry.
They talked and decided to go to Malfoy Manor, where it was said that their friends are kept in.
Xenophillius Lovegood was desperate to find his daughter and he asked for their help.
In the Malfoy Manor were bodies floating in the air, bloody bodies on the floor, and the rotten smell can make your stomach twirl.
The Malfoys were standing next to each other.
A curly-haired woman caught Hermione and tortured her. Harry could hear her screams and cry and he was angry that can't escape to help her.
"She will be fine, mate." Ron reassured Harry.
Dobby came from nowhere.
"I came to save Harry Potter and his friends." he said in his usual voice.
Ron saw a lock of curly blonde hair on the floor and there she was, Lavender. She was weak but alive.
" Dobby, take Luna, Ron, Lavender, and Ollivander out of here." Harry said and Dobby listened to him.
Harry got out of the basement and saw Hermione standing, but she was so weak and almost fell, but Harry ran to her and caught her in his arms.
He disarmed Bellatrix and Dobby came in their rescue.
Bellatrix threw her knife while Dobby was saving them.

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