Chapter 6

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They apparated to the Shell Cottage. Hermione fainted as soon as they got there.
Harry ran to her and caught her in his arms.
Harry Potter point of view
"Hermione!!! Please, wake up, please!!" I yelled. I can't lose her, she is my everything and I will never forgive myself if something happens to her.
"Harry!!! Luna yelled. She was holding a tiny body. I noticed that it was Dobby.
I lifted Hermione up and I ran to Dobby.
"Harry...Potter" said the little voice before the life from that eyes vanished.
"Dobby" I cried. I can't believe that he is dead.
"I want to bury him."  I said.
But, first, I will take Hermione inside the house.
After I let her on the bed, I went outside.
It's raining.
I start to dig his grave. Tears are rolling down my cheeks.
After the funeral, I went back to the house.
Hermione was waiting for me with her arms open.
I threw myself in her arms and I let go of my tears again.
"Hermione, is there going to be an end to my suffering?" I asked her.
Hermione's Point of View
Poor Harry. He has to suffer so many deaths of dear friends of ours, of his.
Harry doesn't deserve this at all. I love so much and I want to make sure that he doesn't forget that.
I embraced my arms around him and I pet his messy hair.
His tears wet my shoulder, but I don't care. Harry is important to me. I love him.
We stay like this for moments and moments until he falls asleep on my shoulder.

Hello readers. I am sorry I didn't post earlier, but I will make up to you with new and long chapters.

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