Chapter 8

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Harry Point of View 
I broke the hug and I headed to Snape. How could he vanish right now? In the middle of the war? After killing Dumbledore? I can't accept that.
I walk slowly outside. I noticed that he was talking to Voldemort. I can't understand what are they saying, but the next thing I knew was that Nagini attacked Snape and after that, Voldemort left.
I ran to Snape.
"Take them, I quickly, it will explain it all." said Snape in a slow voice.
I did as he said.
"Look at me." was all he said before he passed away.
I ran to Dumbledore's office. On the way there, I met with Hermione and Ron.
"Harry, where have you been?" asked Hermione.
"I will explain it, later."
I arrived in the office. I poured the tears in the Pensive.
A little girl and a black-haired boy appeared in front of me. They were talking.
Suddenly, another girl came. She was furious.
"Lily! You freak!" she exclaimed.
" Leave me alone, Petunia. I am with my friend, Severus." the girl called Lily answered.
That little girl is my mum. She was so beautiful. My mum and Snape were friends?
The image transforms into another. Hogwarts. It was the Sorting Ceremony.
Lily was placed in Gryffindor and Snape in Slytherin.
Mum met Dad that day. They were so little. I can notice Sirius and Lupin standing beside my father.
The view changed. It was in Godric's Hallow. Voldemort killed my parents. Snape came in and almost fainted at the sight of Lily's body.
A little baby was crying. That baby was me. I noticed how Snape picked me up and made his way to my mother's body.
"He will be fine, Lily, I promise." he said and placed a kiss on my mother's forehead.
Then, Dumbledore was pictured. They talked about me, and so caught a line.
" When the time comes, the boy must die?" asked Snape.
Dumbledore said: Yes, he must die."
I lifted my head from the Pensive. In order the destroy Voldemort, I have to die.
Hermione came I'm the office and Hughes me. I cried on her shoulder and I told her everything.
"Harry, you can't, please, what will I do without you?"
I kissed her for one last time and I left in the woods.
I opened the snitch and stone came from it. I took it out and my mum, father, Sirius, and Remus came. I ran to my mother. I started to cry. I don't want to die.
" Harry, you are so strong. You can do this. You can win the war. She placed her hand on my cheek. I couldn't feel it, but I felt a warm feeling coming from it.
"We believe in you." my father said.
After that, they vanished. My parents looked so young. They were all young.
I saw Voldemort and Hagrid, and the Malfoys.
" Harry, leave!" said Hagrid.
" Harry Potter, the boy who lived, come to die." said Voldemort. Does he have to be so dramatic?
"Avada Kedavra" A flash of green light came from the wand and hit me.
I see Dumbledore. Am I dead?
" Harry, you did it! You destroyed the Horcrux he didn't intend to make. You can go back and finish him." Dumbledore said.
I hugged Dumbledore and I returned to my life.
I saw a golden hair on my cheeks and it was Narcissa Malfoy.
"Is Draco alive?" she asked.
" Yes." I whispered.
"He is dead." the Malfoy wife said. Was she helping me?
Hagrid picked me up. His large tears came on me.
We arrived at the castle.
"Harry Potter is dead!!" Teehee!!" laughed Voldemort. Seriously, you spent years trying to kill me, and you couldn't improve your evil laugh. I feel ashamed. I heard crying, my Mione is crying.
" Noo!!! Harry is alive! I know it!" she yelled.
"Shut up, mudblood," said Voldemort.
" Draco, come," said his father.
"No, father, I will stay! You chose your path, and I chose mine!" said Draco.
I rolled off Hagrid and Draco threw me his wand. Draco ran and took Ginny's hand.
Voldemort was left dumb.
"Avada Kedavra!" he cast again.
"Expelliarmus!" I said.
Voldemort died. Once and for all.
I ran to Hermione and I gave her a kiss. She kissed me back, in tears. I embraced her in a tight hug.

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