Losing control

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(Does anyone else have that cringy thing you wrote at the start of your writing carrer that, even though you deleted it, the mere thought of it makes you want to not exist?)

Your POV (45 mins after the last chapter)

The explanation was given, not that I thought Ironwood believed it, but for what it's worth it was out there.

Yang was placed under a kind of House Arrest,unable to leave her dorm, I let her uncle talk with her, I had a feeling she needed family now, me and the rest of the girls sat in team JPNR's dorm, with Ruby pacing, Weiss looking dejected and Blake turning uncomfortably.

"That... that's not like Yang! There's no-" Ruby starts

"Ruby, I think it's already been well established that we believe Yang is innocent" I say shutting down the pipsqueak before she could go into one of her rants.

"But how? Everyone saw it, she attacked him!" Weiss argues, causing Blake to sink her head further. I rub my head in frustration.

Until something suddenly dawns on me.

"Ruby!" I say quickly. She uses her semblance to quickly run in front of me.

"Yes!?" She says like a soldier ready for orders.

"Get Coco in here, I have a feeling I have a lead" Ruby salutes, quickly running out of the dorm.

Blake looks at me inquisitively.

"What are you thinking?" She asks. I give her a quick glance before looking down at the ground.

"You said Coco had some sort of... hallucination? About Yatsyhashi" I say. She seems confused, but nods anyway.

"I have reason to believe that these may be one in the same" I say still thinking it over in my head.

"What reason might that be?" Weiss says skeptically. I didn't blame her

"Think about it: they both happened to beacon students, both have similar circumstances, and both were enacted by a member of Cinders team" Weiss's cynical look is dropped for a confused one.

"That can't be a coincidence" Ren says holding his chin in contemplation.

"THEYRE EVIL!" Nora yells. I put my hands up

"Let's not jump the gun here, it could be a whole number of things" I say.

"LIKE!?" Nora yells, I sigh.


"That's all I know, it was all a blur... but I hope it it helps" Coco says dejectedly, the usually upbeat fashion model taking on a more gloomy persona.

I put my hand on her shoulder

"Thats all we need, guys? Get some rest, I need a walk" I say to no one in particular, I give Blake a look that says 'follow me', before shortly Exiting the room

I walk myself in silence,the sun was just starting to set, a golden shine crossing my walking path, this carried on  for a few moments before I'm joined by Blake.

"So what do you think?" She asks looking at me, straight in the face. I close my eyes

"Without a doubt the same thing" her eyes narrow In Thought.

"So that means-" I shake my head

"Thats Just it- it could mean a great many things, we haven't even scratched he surface of what's going on here, but one thing is clear: Yang is innocent" I say emotionlessly

"Of course I'm sure of that, but do you think that Cinders team was responsible?" She asks, I stay silent for a moment

"Yes" I say ending the thought there.

"That being said, Go spend time with Yang, she needs it, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you"I say. She nods

"And you?" She asks

"What did I say? Imma take a walk" I say obviously, she giggles and nods, walking off.

I close my eyes, enjoying the silence. I don't make it far before I'm hugged tightly from behind.

I make an unsightly grunt and turn around to find.... Emily?!- errr, Neo.

She signs 'hello' to me, I hadn't really read in-depth about it but I had skimmed though that "sign language for dummies" thing, WHICH, might I add, I STILL take offence to.

I roll my eyes

"Well, well well, If it isn't the girl who sold me her soul for an ice-cream scoop" I say sarcastically. She puts her hands on her hips and makes a pouty face that I had to admit, even in my shaken up state, was cute.

She then signs me something I can't understand, but I could make out "something more"

I raise my eyebrows in question. She pouts even more grabbing her phone

"Did you seriously not read up on sign language!?" She texts. I shrug

"No not really, so what did you say?" I ask. She closes her eyes and grips the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

"Nevermind that, as your punishment, you have to take me out for icecream!" She texts. I raise my eyebrow

"The Sun is setting, ain't it a bit late?" I deadpan as the corridor was soaked in golden light

"NOW" I shake my head.

"Fine" I say grabbing her hand and leading her out the door

Time skip

I had given Neo money to buy her own ice cream, it was like caring for a child... not that I'd have any prior knowledge of what that was like....

And on that final day I watched the sun set from a hill amidst the grounds of Beacon Academy, I review all the things that had lead me here: luck, fate, and maybe a bit of choice.

The bad and the good... the lust.

There were memories for a lifetime.... but none of that really mattered now.

For I may not have known it yet, but this would be one of the last normal days of my life...

The truth is what you make it(Rwby x BioShock! male reader)Where stories live. Discover now