Chapter 12

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Everyone was busy partying.
''Then you fainted..'' Lucy was explaining what had happened before. You nodded. ''Also the man who gave us the request disappeared.'' She told you. Everything seemed fishy to you.
''Hey Y/N! Why don't you drink?'' Cana asked. You smiled. ''I can't control alcohol.'' You said. ''Oh come on! Drink it!'' Cana forced you. ''And don't worry Freed is there to protect you from the other guys!'' You looked at Freed who was busy talking with his friends. You drank one glass and next moment.....
''More! More *hic* I want more!'' You shouted and drank more beer. ''Natsu scratch my head!'' Lucy requested. She too was drunk. ''Meow!'' She said. Natsu panicked. ''FAIRY TAIL'S BIGGEST EMERGRNCY!'' He shouted. Juvia was busy crying. Wendy was lying on a table. Carla was with Happy ordering him around. Erza was being bossy and Mira was in her Satan soul with Laxus in her grasp. ''Y/N. Stop drinking.'' Freed said with concern. You had at least drank 10 glasses. ''Yo *hic* Freed! *hic* What's my cutie sweetie doing?'' You said and hugged him. When you were drunk you became straightforward and stubborn otherwise you were very shy to call Freed by names in public. ''*hic* I love you!'' You said and kissed him.
''Y/N. Let's go home!'' He said. ''No! I wanna party!'' You pouted. Freed blushed. You really looked cute with your cheeks red from drinking and a bit puffed. ''No! We have to go.'' Freed commanded. ''Now!''
''What?'' Freed asked.
''Let's go home but you'll have to give me a piggy ride!'' You said. Freed sighed. ''Okay.'' He said and bent down. ''Yay!'' You shouted and jumped on Freed's back. ''Bye Y/N! Drink with me again someday!'' Cana waved at you. You too waved back and lied on Freed's back. On they way you kept singing.
''Freed's my Prince! A green haired Prince. Sometimes he reminds me of lemons! And a green broccoli.''
Freed kept quiet and listened to your song. When you two reached your shared apartment he opened the door. He set you down on the bed. ''Y/N, come on you have to change.'' Freed said. You pouted. ''I don't want to!'' Freed had to be strict with you now. ''Do it.'' He said. ''You do it for me!'' You said. Freed lost his cool. He got all flustered thinking about what you said. You laughed. ''I will change!'' You said and quickly changed. You two lied on the bed. ''Freed...'' You whispered. ''Hmmm...'' He hummed in response. ''Do you love me?'' You asked. ''Or do you love Laxus?'' Freed turned towards you. He gave you a peck on your nose. ''At first I was confused whether I loved you or Laxus, after all I was bisexual. But now  I love you not Laxus. Of course I like him but as a friend only.''
''I love you too.'' You said.
Then you two shared a kiss.
''You taste like alcohol.'' Freed giggled.

I love Freed! Today I watched Master Makarov's sacrifice and I was in tears...
Love Fairy Tail

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