Chapter 1

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Y/N's P.O.V.
I was returning to my home in the middle of the forest. I have been living there since I ran away from my home! ''Today's a beautiful day!'' I said. Suddenly....
Boom! I heard a explosion.
I threw my groceries and ran from where I heard the voice.
I saw a man wearing a helmet and a few wooden dolls  were flying behind him. A woman with brownish hair wearing glasses and a green haired man. They looked wounded. I saw with whom they were battling, then I saw a group of wizards. They were dark wizards. I decided to help the three. I ran infront of them. ''Emotion magic:Anger!'' I said. Fire shot out from my hand and I wiped out some of the wizards. ''Who are you?'' The green haired mage asked me with a glare. ''I am helping you guys!'' I shouted,glaring at him.
''Dark ericture:Pain!'' The green haired mage said.
The other two also attacked.
''Emotion magic:Happiness'' I said and with my light magic. I send the dark wizards flying away.
The three mages from the light guild sat down on the ground. ''Hey guys!'' I said. ''Thanks for the help!'' The brownish haired girl said. I smiled at them. ''Well,you all must be tired. Come on my house is near!'' I said. They hesitated at first bit followed me.
I learned their names. The woman was Evergreen.
The helmet man was Bixlow.
The green haired mage was Freed. They were from Fairy Tail.
I treated their wounds.
''We never caught your name.'' Freed said. ''How silly of me!'' I exclaimed. ''I am Y/N!''
''I guess we should go.'' Freed said. ''Bye Y/N. Thanks again!'' Evergreen said. ''Hey beauty! You know if you wanna have fun you can always come to me!'' Bixlow said,showing his tongue. I forced a smile. ''I don't think I want to have fun with you.'' I said. ''She dumped you!'' Evergreen said,grinning. ''Come on guys. Let's go.'' Freed said. ''Good bye!'' I said,waving at them. Soon they were gone. I plopped down on my bed. ''Long day!'' I said. ''They seemed like nice guys maybe I should also join a guild...Ever is pretty. Bixlow is funny...and Freed he is....''before I could say anymore I drifted into a sleep full of nightmares.

''Mom! Wake up mom!'' I said.
''Wake up!''
My mother was lying on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood.
''Mommy! Wake up!'' I shouted.
''She's dead'' a voice from behind said. I turned and saw my father.
''You killed her!'' I screamed. ''Murderer!'' He slapped me.
My cheek was stinging with pain.
''I didn't kill her!'' He said,normally. ''Then who did?'' I said,crying. ''You did.'' He said with pure hatred in his voice. ''No! I didn't!'' I said. ''I didn't kill my mom! I was playing outside when I came she was on the floor!'' I screamed. ''You did! Your magic killed her! You were playing with your magic! Magic is evil! Your magic sucked her emotions without you knowing anything! Without her emotions she died!'' My father growled. ''No! It's a lie!'' I said. ''Monster!'' My father shouted.
'''' I said covering my ears!
''NO!'' I said.
I looked up and saw my father laying on the floor. The windows of my house were broken. I quickly ran out.

Hi I am Sleeyashuu! It's my first time writing a story. Hope you like it.

Freed's Princess (Freed X Reader)         Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora