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''Hey Y/N! Wake up.'' Freed shook you trying to wake you up. Your eyes fluttered open. ''Are we there?'' You asked rubbing your eyes. Freed nodded. You looked around to see Lucy and others were not there. ''Where are the other guys?'' You asked,yawning. ''They are outside. Come on let's go.'' He said. You stood up and went out. ''Hey there guys!'' You greeted. Natsu was leaning on Lucy. ''Hi Y/N. Do you have a fish for me?'' Happy asked. ''No Happy.'' You replied,smiling. ''Gray your clothes!'' You exclaimed. ''My clothes!'' Gray shouted and looked at himself, everyone was staring at him. Lucy sighed. ''Hey let's get a hotel. It's getting dark.'' Freed said. You all nodded and went to get a hotel.
Time skip by Freed praising Laxus....
''Y/N. Do you have any feelings for someone in our guild?'' Lucy asked you. You both were lying in your shared room. ''I don't know...
Natsu is like a brother, Gray is a good friend, Bickslow is also a good friend and Freed is...'' ''Freed is...'' Lucy said, staring at you intensely. ''Freed is...'' You continued with a light blush on your face. ''Freed is a good friend.'' You told her. Lucy sighed. ''Come on! I know Freed is something else.'' She stated. ''The way you look at him and get flustered when you talk to him it shows something else.'' You looked away. '' Freed.'' You whispered which Lucy heard. ''OMG!'' She loudly exclaimed. ''I knew it! You two would make a good couple.'' You quickly jumped on her bed and covered her mouth. ''Please don't shout. He may hear you.'' You were blushing darkly. Lucy nodded, you sighed and removed your hand. Lucy was jumping happily. ''You are adorable!'' She squealed. You stood up and plopped down on your bed. ''I don't know whether he returns my feelings or not.'' You sighed. ''I guess he does.'' Lucy told you. ''Why do you say that?'' You asked. ''He probably is in love with Laxus or someone else.''

''NO! LAXUS IS THE BEST MAGE!'' Freed shouted. Gray, Natsu and Freed were having a debate on who is the greatest mage. ''Laxus may be strong but he cannot defeat Igneel!'' Natsu yelled. ''Igneel is a dragon! UR is the best mage!'' Gray shouted. ''So what if Igneel's a dragon! No one can defeat him!'' Natsu growled. ''Pfft...Laxus is the best, the way he walks and talks! And his attacks are just so strong! I would even go to hell for him!'' Freed  stated, he drew out his sword with a dangerous aura around him. ''He's the best.'' Gray and Natsu shuddered. ''Okay calm down.'' Gray tried to call Freed. Natsu was standing in a corner trying to process something in his mind. ''Oi Natsu! What are you thinking?'' Gray asked. Natsu scratched his head and sat down on his bed. ''I thought that Freed liked Y/N. Bit if he likes her than why is he praising Laxus so much.'' Happy's mouth was open. ''Oh Natsu has been thinking too much.'' He exclaimed. Natsu scratched his head again. Gray hit his head. ''Stop thinking too much!''
''Oi Ice princess! Why did you hit me?'' ''Because you were getting really annoying! Flame brain!''
''Oh yeah! Stripper boy!'' ''Shut up Pyro!'' ''Droopy eyes!'' ''Squinty eyes!'' Sigh...😓😓we all know what happens later.
''You started it!'' ''No you did!''
Freed sighed and lied down on his bed. ''Do I like Laxus? Do I like Y/N?'' He mumbled. Suddenly Natsu and Gray stopped fighting and stared at Freed who had his eyes closed and was smiling in his dreams. ''Oi Natsu.'' Gray whispered. ''Yes.'' Natsu answer whispered. ''Y/N is our good friend and I guess Freed likes her.'' Gray said. ''So should we try to make them couples.'' Natsu asked. Gray nodded. They both fist-bumped. ''Mission (ship name) starts!'' They both exclaimed. Meanwhile Happy was sulking in a corner. ''Author-chan forgot about me.'' was it? Sorry I haven't been updating. Continue reading it.

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