A New Player (Ch.12)

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Y/N: "Ready... Set... Go!"

As Y/N said that. Michael sprung into the action, their eyes trained on the targets as they let loose barrage bullets. Within a few seconds, the two had emptied their mags going for a second one on the table.

The barrage of fire carries on and within ten seconds, Michael had ended his second clip with Y/N coming in second. The onlookers were silent as Y/N stared Michael.

Y/N: "Come on..."

Michael let out a little chuckle making Y/N groan. For the past ten minutes, the two had been in something of a standoff in the firing range. Michael had now beaten both the Hand Gun and Assault Rifle challenges.


With this one being the tiebreaker. Y/N scratched the back of his neck as he saw the scoreboards above. Michael had 10 000, while Y/N had 7 320. A near-perfect score. Compared to the literal score.

Michael: "Not bad kid."

Y/N: "Yeah... Not bad."

He said it in something of a grunt. But slowly he let go of some of his bitterness and nodded shaking Michaels's hand.

Michael: "Not so easy taking me on is it?"

Y/N: "No... No, it is not. How did you even fire off that many rounds without letting the bullets lose their mark or the gun move?"

Michael in his cocky state chuckles.

Michael: "Practice, but if you want I can show you?"

Y/N hesitantly nodded.

Y/N: "Alright..."

For the next half an hour, Michael explains to Y/N how to focus on firing several shots at different targets within a few seconds. It was difficult and took time. But slowly in some odd way Y/N was getting the hang of it.

It was like time had or was slowing down, while you speed up the world seemed almost still. However, Y/N knew this feeling all too well, it was the same feeling he had when he raced. Moments would slow down, he could weave between cars and trucks during the race. It felt natural dipping into this state.

Never had he thought it could be used for something like this?

Michael: "You're getting that hang of it."

Y/N: "Yeah... That's... Wow... I've never been this accurate with a gun before."

Michael: "Glad to hear it... Not like a, I get to show this to the family and stuff."

Michael said that as he starts packing his rifle into the bag, while Y/N placed the pistol on his hip. Then looked back to the chair where Jimmy sat maybe an hour ago, which was now empty.

He left without saying a single word.

Michael understood.

Y/N wasn't too sure about that...

After the whole hospital thing and the bar, the two talked for a long time. When the report came back and it was positive, the two were family.

Y/N thought that he might as well get to know his uncle after everything that's happened.

But it was quite a moment for the two, after all. Michael's family wasn't exactly open to talking to Y/N, especially after what Jimmy said about him.

Shouldn't be a surprise that Jimmy left like he did, not even saying a word. Just left.

Y/N: "Jimmy is-?"

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