12: mine. yours..?

Start from the beginning

taehyung waited for jungkook to reply but the alpha just stared, blinking a little too often as he looked into the omega's caramel brown eyes. the omega's gaze turned down and he smiled softly as he tried to catch his dripping tears with his fingertips.

jungkook finally snapped out his trance and quickly pulled taehyung back on his lap and impossibly close to his chest.

"i love you, taehyung." he said as he brushed his hand trough taehyung's hair. "so... so much." he whispered, mostly to himself.

taehyung smiled, hugging him back. he loves the tingles that ran through him when he is this close to jungkook.

they leaned away from each other and stared at each other with bright smiles. jungkook could now analyze taehyung's eyes clearly. his eyes were uneven, making them even more special. his long eyelashes and the small mole on his left eye were adding the finishing detail to the art. but what was the most catching was the color. taehyung's eyes were glowing light purple.

"taehyung, your eyes are purple." jungkook spoke softly, as he stroke taehyung's cheek with the pad of his thumb.

the omega gulped as he tried to hide his eyes with his hands- a habit you can say. jungkook chuckled as he placed his hand on taehyung's and pulled them down. "don't hide them from me, they're beautiful."

the omega looked up, biting his lip and nodded softly, a tint of red decorating his bread cheeks.

again, jungkook's wolf went crazy. he wanted to kiss taehyung, to make him his, now that he knows that taehyung loves him too.

he leaned forward and smirked when he saw taehyung closing his now again brown eyes. but when he was about to connect their lips, taehyung quickly pressed his palm onto jungkook's mouth and kissed the back of his own hand instead.

"i-i'm not ready..." he mumbled with a soft blush on his cheeks. jungkook felt a little disappointed, but he couldn't be mad at taehyung with this puppy look the smaller was giving him.

jungkook nodded softly, and gave taehyung a fond smile. he gently cupped taehyung's face and kissed the omega's forehead instead, letting his lips linger there for a little while. taehyung closed his eyes, his cheeks turning another shade darker again.

of course his eyes flickered back to purple. jungkook chuckled. "pup, you know if your eyes always shine purple when i touch you, then we'll have a great problem. no one can know you are an omega, not unless i mark you." he said, as he tucked taehyung's hair behind his ear.

the omega's eyes widened. from jimin he knows what marking is and after that he had informed himself in the internet and found out that it is one of the best feelings a wolf can experience. now thinking about this intimate act with jungkook, let him feel even more flustered than ever.

"then you shouldn't touch me and stay away from me." taehyung teased as he crossed his arms, turning his face with a humph away from jungkook.

the taller instantly let a growl out, as he tightened his grip around the omega's waist. "mine."

taehyung looked back surprised. "yours..?"



"you must be hungry. do you want to eat something? you haven't eaten for for so long."

taehyung looked up at the alpha and smiled,
melting with that his heart. "i don't wanna leave you like this though." he pouted.

"don't worry, i'm coming with you." jungkook spoke under a chuckle.

taehyung pouted even more, his plumb, rosy lips sticking out for jungkook and looking irresistible for the alpha. he quickly shook his head to leave the thoughts behind. taehyung said he isn't ready for a kiss and he respects it.

"i want to stay on your lap."
but staying in jungkook's lap doesn't really help jungkook junior down there.

jungkook groaned. "tae, but you're sitting on my... euhm."

taehyung's eyes widened before he jumped away. "eww, gross... uh i'm sorry."

jungkook laughed and taehyung just watched with soft eyes. "your laughter is really beautiful, kookie."

"and you are beautiful, tae."

blushing, taehyung tried to distract himself and slowly looked around the room. "you have a closet in your office?"

"mhh, i have one in my room, one here and one in my bathroom."

"you have an own bathroom? and why do you have three closets, isn't that too much?"

"i have many clothes." jungkook answered and scratched the back of his head.

"can i open it?"

"go ahead pup."

taehyung has been curious about jungkook's clothes. seeing him only wear black, he questioned wether he has also other colors.

but he got proven wrong the moment hr opened the closet. he giggled lightly. "literally everything you have is black."

jungkook chuckled as he went over to the closet and pulled out a white tee shirt. "i have this also."

taehyung giggled and rolled his eyes. "it's the only thing that's pretty here."

jungkook raised one eyebrow. "that hurts taehyung, don't you think i'm pretty?" he chuckled.

taehyung lightly hit his chest, which jungkook barely felt. "of course you are." he rolled his eyes. "but everything in here is so dark- why don't you pull the curtains open and let some sunshine in?"

"i don't need sunshine from the outside, i have you." taehyung blushed and giggled.

"stob it, that's so cheesy." he mumbled, while covering his mouth with his hands. he slowly made his way to jungkook's window, where he pulled the curtains open.

jungkook watched from afar. the poor omega hasn't even realize that he was only wearing boxer and a blue sleeveless shirt. jungkook smiled as he looked from taehyung to his own tee shirt still in his hands and back.

"kookie, look now it's brighter here."

when jungkook approached taehyung, he just put taehyung the shirt on. taehyung yelped in surprise, but then nuzzled his nose into the fabric material. it smelled like jungkook. the shirt covered his whole boxers, going down to his knees. the white with his golden curls made him look like an literal angel.

jungkook's mouth agaped.

"thank you... it's warm." the omega mumbled awkwardly with red cheeks, but jungkook didn't react. he just stared.

taehyung eyed him confused. "jungkook?"

the alpha snapped out of his trance and smirked. "you're just so... wow."

taehyung blushed even more. "i said stop it earlier. now let's go, i'm hungry." he ordered.

if it wasn't taehyung, jungkook had growled annoyed. no one orders him around, but jungkook would do anything for his sweet spot.

*cries in too cute to handle

lol i almost fell asleep writing this

and ughhh, i'm still at the sea and i can't go swimming because i got my period yesterday and it sucks so much whajajajw

so i had enough time to write this chapter!
hope you enjoyed hahaha

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