29. the phone rang

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Jimin stood outside his door beside his enraged friend Taehyung; they were both staring at the slip of paper Kim Namjoon left underneath their doormat, a little part was sticking out and fluttering in the wind.

"Please tell me you won't do it, otherwise I might crush your skull as well as Su- I mean Yoongi's. I really need to punch someone right now."

"Tae... I- Even though I hate everything he and Yoon- no, that sounds weird - 'Suga' did to me, I know what it feels like to suffer heartbreak. Namjoon... I could feel it. What I felt when Suga left. I have to at least make the heartbreak a little less painful."

Meanwhile, Namjoon had reached his apartment and was clinging on to every last bit of hope he could gather.

"He'll call me. It's ok, he'll call me. Oh, who are you kidding Namjoon. Just give up and be sad."

Then his phone started to ring and his eyes lit up as the caller ID read as 'Unknown'.


"What? No. What did you do Namjoon? It's Hobi by the way."


"Before you ask, I forgot my phone at home and it was too late to go back so I'm at a payphone. I was gonna ask if you bring my phone to me? But what did you do to Jimin?"

"Oh, yeah, sure no problem. Jimin... I gave him my number."

"Number? Wait, hold on. Has he mentioned me at all in any way?"

"Uh... I don't think so..? Also, it's a long story, so I'll tell you when I get there."

"Okie-dokie. I'll see you then Joonie! I'm very confused so you better explain! Bye!"

Namjoon sat there and stared at the ceiling, his vision becoming blurry as tears pooled in his eyes. He wiped them away and shook his head, he had to be there for his friend now, Jimin is irrelevant.

As he was driving, his phone rang again and without checking who it was he picked it up.

"Hello?" He said in a monotone voice.

"Geez, what's got you so down?"

"W-Wait, are you..."

"It's me, the one and only."


"IT'S YOUR SISTER YOU DUMBASS! Has my voice gotten that low?"

"O-Oh, no sorry I'm just not thinking straight, what's up?"

"Well, I wanted to see you. I just finished all my tests so now I have a bunch of freedom! Wanna meet up today for dinner?"

"Oh yeah, of course! Text me the place and time later~ Love you sis."

"Love you too Joon."

"O-Ok, now tell me everything, and just to be sure, Jimin has not talked about me at all right?"

"Y-Yeah... At least when I was with him. Yoongles is the one that texts him though."

"Y-Yoongi WHAT?"

"So, remember when we pushed him to take up online dating? Well, he did, but he created an account with my face and my name. Then he met Jimin and he really liked him, but then he didn't want their relationship to end. So he sent me to meet up with Jimin whilst he fed me lines and then dumb old me fell in love him. So I not only ended up breaking Jimin's heart, but also Yoongi's. A-And I'm j-just so dumb..." Namjoon broke down into tears, whilst Hoseok took in everything that he said.

"S-So... the one that was on Yoongi's mind was J-Jimin? P-Park J-Jimin..? No, no, NO, NO! Why..? What's so amazing about that guy?"

"W-What? What do you mean?"

"I just don't get it, why can't you just leave my Suge alone..." His voice trailed off.

"Hobi, what's going on?"

"I-I'll explain, and before you judge me, just know that I've loved Yoongi since high school. I love him so so much."


Hoseok then explained everything that he has done to try and win over Yoongi - Suga - for the past decade, yet no results. The whole incident with Jimin and the car crash and how relieved he felt to finally have Jimin out of Yoongi's life.

Before Namjoon could even express the disgust and rage he felt, his phone rang. With the caller ID as unknown.


"H-Hey! I just called to see if you wanted to meet me again?"


"U-Uh, no... Are you not Mina?"

"W-What? Who's that?"

"I guess she gave me a wrong number..."

"S-Sorry man..."

Then he hung up and started to cry again. Hoseok walked over hugged him, knowing the tremendous pain he felt.

Namjoon had had a long day and he was absolutely exhausted and drained. On his drive home, his phone started to buzz.

"Hello?" He was starting to get tired of saying that word so many times.

"H-Hello? I-Is this Namjoon?"

"Yes it is, how may I help you?"

"I-It's Jimin."

"W-What?" His eyes widened, not fully taking in what the man had just said.

"Although, you have broken my heart, so have I. I feel pity for you to put it simply, and instead of being boyfriends, maybe we could just be regular friends instead?"


"Just so you know, I won't return your feelings so smother them now. Otherwise being around me will only make it worse."

"Of course!"

From that point on, Namjoon and Jimin had become close friends. Jimin also realized that when Yoongi left him, it wasn't entirely his fault. Although he doesn't trust him completely.

Hoseok had also confessed his feelings to Yoongi and Yoongi finally realized his for Hoseok too. They started going out and Hoseok was overjoyed.

Although Jimin told Namjoon to abandon any romantic feelings for him, it wasn't that easy. However after a year, he saw Jimin as a friend and nothing more. They were extremely close and Taehyung even became slightly jealous as to how much time they spent together. Nothing too extreme of course.

It's now been two years and everyone has changed a lot over time. Yoongi and Hoseok were happy and in love, Jungkook and Taehyung were also very close and happy together, and Jin felt lonely at all the love that was around him so he went on a romantic quest.

Jimin and Namjoon were good...


"Hey Jiminie!"

"Oh hey Joon!"

"Well Hobi and Yoongles invited me to go to karaoke with them, and they asked if anyone else wants to go. Wanna tag along?"

"Y-Yeah sure! I'll invite Tae Tae and Jungkook too! Maybe even Jin-hyung... although he's pretty caught up in his work... Anyway, I'll see you then!"

"Ok! See you Chim Chim!" Then Namjoon hung up.

Jimin could feel his cheeks heat up and heart thumping in his chest.

"Goddamit Kim Namjoon."

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