15. 'h-hoseok?'

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"Tae! Tae!"

"What, what?"

"Tae, I want you to meet Joonie!" Jimin yelled over the phone.

"Finally! Why did you make me wait for two whole weeks?"

"Joonie said he wants to take things slow, so I didn't want to pressure him."

"Yes, my best friend is best boyfriend material. What a saint. So, when do I get to meet 'adorable dimples Joonie'?"

"Aish, why do you have to make it sound as if that's a bad thing. They are so cute. Anyway, he suggested we all go to a theme park together!"

"Oh? I haven't been to one in ages. When?"

"Uh... in 10 minutes."

"10 minutes?"

"10 minutes."

"And you're telling me this now?"


"I have to cancel my foot massage Jimin."

"I-I'm sorry."

"I. Have. To. Cancel. My. Foot. Massage. Park. Jimin."

"I-I'll pay for your next one?"

Taehyung hung up.

Jimin had a worried look on his face.

"Hobi! You all ready and set to go?"

"Hold on... where is it?"

"Are you looking for your hat?"

"Yeah... oh, found it!"

"Right now Yoongi is working, so I'm bringing you instead!"

"Wow, so glad that I'm a second choice."


"Yeah, yeah. I know. Now let's go to the movies!"

"Um... about that..."

"Why are you pausing?"

"Nope! Never mind!"

"He won't come if I tell him the truth." Namjoon chuckled.

"I've always wanted to meet this Jimin. You haven't even shown me his face!"

"Well, if I did, I felt like it would be less special. Now get in the car, we're gonna go pick up Jimin."

Hoseok and Namjoon both made their way to the car and drove to Jimin's apartment.

"Yah! Tae! Where are you?"


"O-Ok. I-I'll just tell Joonie that you'll be a little late."

Jimin hung up and went out the door as he saw Namjoon's car pull up in front of the apartment, filled to the brim with excitement to finally meet Namjoon's friend. He tried his hardest to remember where he had heard the name Hoseok from, but shook his head and walked to his boyfriend.


"Hey Jimin."

Namjoon was standing next to his car and hugged Jimin.

"This is Hobi!"


"H-Hi Hoseok. I'm Park Jimin!"

"P-Park Jimin? THE Park Jimin? So you're PARK Jimin? You're THAT Jimin? Out of all Jimins?"

"Y-Yeah, is there something wrong with that?"

"N-Nothing... you just uh, reminded me of someone."

"Hobi, you're scaring my Chim Chim."

"Joonie, I'm sorry but I'll explain everything later."

With that Hoseok ran away and left.

"W-Wha- I'm so sorry Jiminie. I don't what got into him. I think he has his own issues though, so please be understanding."

"Don't worry Joonie! I know everyone has different things that they're dealing with."

"I'M HERE BITCHES." Taehyung was panting as he ran towards the pair.

"Tae Tae!"

"Ji- *inhale* mi- *inhale* nie *inhale*."

Namjoon giggled at the sight of the two best friends.

"Hi! I'm Namjoon!"

"Tae- *inhale* hyung."

"I'm really sorry but Hoseok had some business to attend to so he can't be here. I hope you understand."

"What's with the fancy talk? By the way I already approve of you from what Jiminie has told me. Now show me those dimples, I have to judge them." Then Taehyung stopped talking from the realization. "Wait, did you say Hoseok?"

"Yeah, is something wrong?"

Taehyung glanced to Jimin with a concerned look and that back to Namjoon.

"Uh... no. It's nothing."

"I feel like there's something I'm missing out on. What do you and Hoseok know that I don't?"

"I- It's nothing for you to worry about for now."

"Joonie, I don't know anything about Hoseok. Today was the first time I met him! Now, let's all go to Everland!" Jimin excitedly exclaimed.

Taehyung sighed as he thought of something that he had to do.

"You know what. Since Hoseok isn't here anymore, I feel like I'm third-wheeling on you guys. Uh, before I go, could you tell me what direction Hoseok left in?"

"Uh, yeah, that way." Namjoon pointed Taehyung in the right direction.

"Thanks. HAVE A FUN DATE!" Taehyung then proceeded to sprint with all his might to try and catch up with Hoseok.

He ran and ran, worried for his best friend Jimin. He needed to get to Hoseok and make sure it was who he thought it was. It could've just been another Hoseok. He shook his head and rushed ahead; his gut feeling was telling him that this was a recipe for disaster.

"HOSEOK! SHOW YOUR FACE GODDAMIT!" Taehyung yelled up to the sky.

Obviously he didn't see Hoseok. He immediately called a taxi to come and drive him away. Taehyung wouldn't have caught up to Hoseok anytime soon.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath.

He looked up to see many different faces staring at him. Everyone quickly scurried past him as he stood still on the street. Taehyung's cheeks started to heat up as he bowed, said sorry and then quickly made his way out of there.

"So now I've missed my foot massage, didn't even get to go to Everland for free and on top of all of that, Hoseok has shown his face again. As a friend for Jiminie's boyfriend no less. Shit."

A/N Sorry but I'm in a bit of a slump so there are only two chapters today :(

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