16. everland

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"Aish, I'm sorry Joonie. I thought we would all have so much fun together with me meeting Hoseok and you meeting Tae Tae." Jimin frowned.

"They all want us to enjoy ourselves, so let's just go to Everland without them!"

"W-Well... ok. Let's go!"

Off they went. Namjoon drove, him being the gentleman that he is.

"Chim Chim, just go to sleep. it'll be a while before we get there."

"Mmm... ok~"

Jimin closed his eyes as he leaned his head on the seatbelt. After 5 minutes he was sound asleep. Namjoon looked fondly at him, hearing his little 'hmm' every time he breathed. His eyes, nose and lips all looked so dainty and perfect on his beautiful face. The hair on his head fell down to cover his eyes as he inhaled softly.

"Ah, why does he have to be so cute?"

Namjoon smiled and put on some calming music. Jimin instantly smiled and his head rolled over to face Namjoon, still asleep.

After and hour or so, Namjoon shook Jimin awake softly.

"Chim Chim~ Wake up~"

"Mmm... A-Are we here?"

"Yep! Now come on!"

Leading Jimin out the car, Namjoon walked to the entrance with the tickets in his hand.

"Ok, which ride do you want to go on first?"

"Let's go on a roller coaster!"

"Aha! Of course!"

Waiting in line, Jimin's bubbly personality before, gradually turned into worry and fear. Namjoon noticed this and gave Jimin a hug and held his hand.

"Don't worry Chim Chim, it's not as scary as it is fun!"

"U-Uh, yeah... Um.. Joonie?"


"W-When we go on the ride, could you hold my hand?"

"Of course Jiminie." Namjoon replied with his dimples.

Jimin smiled in return and poked Namjoon's dimples. He thought that they were the single greatest thing on Earth.

"Hehe! Your dimples are so cute!"

"Well, your smile is even cuter!"

They both giggled as time passed and they were in front of the line.

Jimin slapped his cheeks and tried to put on a brave face.

"When you are on the ride please make sure that you keep your safety bar in the locked position. Thanks for riding the Rolling-X Train!"

The bars were brought down and ensured the riders safety. Jimin sharply inhaled and exhaled.

"Chim Chim? Don't worry, you can hold my hand!"

Jimin looked over to Namjoon and put his small hand in Namjoon's reassuring one. Warmth filled his heart and he blushed.

"How on Earth did I get so lucky?" Jimin thought as a sigh escaped his curled lips.

They started to ascend and Jimin shut his eyes closed and squeezed Namjoon's hand even more.

As they stopped, teetering over the edge, they fell.

Screams were heard as everyone's arms were thrown up in the air. However there were two who kept their fingers intertwined. Jimin's eyes fluttered open from the strong wind.

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