5. hoseok's birthday

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOBI!" Party poppers and streamers were unleashed just as Hoseok entered the room.

"Awww you guys! By the way you all suck at pretending to forget my birthday. I literally overheard you guys planning my surprise party."

"W- Rea- Well I guess it was inevitable." Namjoon laughed.

"Thanks anyway, Namjoon, Yoongi." The heart shaped smile plastered across his face was contagious as it spread to the grinning pair.

"Isn't it nice to just be spending your birthday like this with just the three of us?" Yoongi said, very happily.

"Well I did have a party at the club before I came here and a nice birthday lunch with my parents just before they left for work."

"We obviously beat both." Yoongi replied, making Namjoon and Hoseok chuckle.

"Cmon, let's play some games!"

Hoseok grabbed both of them by the hand to lead them to the living room where he decided to choose to play Just Dance. He knew he would win and that Yoongi absolutely despised it. Bright lights danced across the screen as Hoseok got 'perfects', Namjoon got 'goods' and Yoongi got 'ok's'.

"What the heck do you mean 'ok'?! I am crushing this bitc-" a loud crash echoed through the room. All three turned to look at the glass table now shattered as Namjoon makes an apologetic face. "Sorry hehe."

"God of destruction." Hoseok and Yoongi said at the same time whilst face palming.

"You two are really in sync. I will forever be a Yoonseok shipper." Namjoon chuckled and threw his fist in the air. This caused the light bulb to fall out and result in a very mad Yoongi.

"THIS IS MY GOD DAMN HOUSE. YOU WILL PAY ME BACK EVERY PENNY YOU OWE. UNDERSTAND, KIM NAMJOON?!" Yoongi held back his screaming through his gritted teeth.

"Come on Yoongles, don't spoil the mood. It's my birthday after all. Let's play some more games in a different room!" Hoseok cheerfully exclaimed whilst beaming.

The rest of the night followed with a game of charades, playing monopoly and many drinks of apple juice.

"Ooh! I know what would be super fun!" Hoseok enthusiastically exclaims.

"Dude I am so tired right now. I could fall asleep right here on the floor." Yoongi sighed.


Yoongi immediately lifted his head as wicked schemes filled his mind - Namjoon would pay back twofold for what happened to his house.

"That does sound like fun! The thing is... I feel really bad for wrecking Yoongi's cozy little home, so maybe keep the dares to a limit?" Namjoon rubs the back of his neck with a sorry smile. He had a reputation for always being clumsy, but not to this extent.

Just before the surprise party

"Hey, why did you want to meet up?"

"Umm... Well... I want to break up."

Namjoon's eyes widened in disbelief. "I- I- We- For 3- Why?"

"I am so so sorry, but we just don't have the spark that we used to."

"But why now?"

"Well, I'm leaving for England tomorrow and uh, didn't want to lead you on."

"Why am I only knowing about this England trip now? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did you just pity me and think I would be heartbroken because you were going? God. You are leaving tomorrow and I am your boyfriend. I feel like I had the right to know at least a month or even a week earlier!"

"I know. I am being a total bitch right now. I just... I'm sorry. You deserve someone better."

"At least you told me in person, thank you for that."

"Well...then, uh I guess this is goodbye."



"We are still friends right? I really like you as a person and- and I- I don't want our friendship ruined over this."

"Oh yeah. Sure. See you around I guess."

With that, Namjoon wistfully looked at his high school sweetheart finally leaving him after 3 years of being together. He was strong though and knew that he had to keep his spirits up for his best friend Hoseok. However, little droplets fell from his teary eyes. Yet as quick as they came, the quicker they went as he shook his head and wiped the tears away before forcing a smile on his otherwise dull face.

Half-heartedly, he made his way over to his small hyung's house.

"Hey Namjoon! Over here!" Yoongi waved Namjoon over with the door half open to his home - oblivious to the current state of his relationship.

"Coming!" Namjoon smiled and rushed to Yoongi.


"Namjoon-ah. Namjoon-ah!" Hoseok and Yoongi kept saying as Namjoon snapped back from his daze.

"Oh. Sorry guys, I kinda spaced out hehe."

"Dude, you ok?"

"Yeah man, I am okie-dokie. 100% in tip top condition."

"Joonie. You know that you can always count on us ok? If you don't always tell us what is going on, we'll be out of this world mad dude."

"I know, I know. Love you guys. No homo because Yoonseok is gonna happen one day." He chuckled as Yoongi joined him and Hoseok tried to hide a blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Ok. Now let's play some truth or dare!" Hoseok gleefully shouted and clapped his hands together, while Yoongi rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath.

"What were your first impressions of us?"

"Did you ever lie to us?"

"I dare you to text your dad that you are dating Namjoon"

"Be shirtless till the end of the party"

"Hmm it would definitely be a PB&J sandwich"

"Do you actually want me to do that?"

"Now that I think about it, I definitely do it way more than I used to"

"Wow, this is so exhilarating!"

"Ok last dare!"

Hoseok took a deep breath then lifted his head.

"Create an online dating account."



"You can't be hung up on her forever."

"I know about your relationship issues. You need to get over it." Hoseok said with concern in his eyes and compassion in his heart. Yoongi looked at Namjoon before sighing and then nodding in agreement.

"Thanks guys. I don't know how I ended up with the best of friends. I tried so hard to keep it a secret. You all know me so well."

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