42: Lines of a War

Start from the beginning

"How many salty snacks have you tried?"

She furrowed her brows and thought back to it. Her aunt never bought salty kinds of snacks for her, they were always sweets. Maggie always said it was because she had a sweet tooth since she was a kid and figured snacks would be the best for her to eat than always having dessert around. "Not a lot. Can you leave me alone?"

"Okay-" Christine raised her hands and pulled away from Paige, "Just curious since it's a little weird."

As soon as it was lunch time, Paige stuck with Stiles because she really didn't want to suddenly be cornered by her cousin. Her cousin was acting like she knew something more than her and it was making Paige incredibly uncomfortable.

"Is something right up your cousin's ass or something?" Stiles murmurs under his breath while they grabbed lunch together, "Cause it kind of seemed like she was interrogating you."

"About my snack preferences?" Paige huffed as she grabbed a pudding cup, "I think she was just trying to make me upset."

"What for?"

"I'm not sure, you want me to ask her?" She answers him again, still rather upset with the situation. Paige opened the pudding cup and simply eating it using the metallic covering as a spoon. "At least my Aunt Odette just asked me a few questions about my family, Christine is honestly just harassing me."

"Yeah, I just-" Stiles held his food and then set it down at an empty table. He backed away from it in confusion, "Is... something missing?"

"What?" Paige tossed her empty pudding cup in the trash before poking at the fries on her plate, "Are you having a stroke?"

Stiles rolled his eyes and shoved at her, "Who always sits here?"

Paige sent him a concerned look before she backed away with a fry in her mouth, "Um... Vernon, right?"

"Who the hell is Vernon?"

"It's Boyd." Paige deadpans while eating some of her chicken tenders, "How do you not know his first name?"

"I thought Boyd was his first name."

"I-" She paused before shaking her head, "Nevermind. Why is this important again?"

"What kind of people is Derek using to turn into werewolves?"

"The..." Her eyes widened, "Oh, my God, Boyd!"

"Where's Scott?"

Paige pointed to where he was as Allison got up from behind him, "With the hunters here and Derek creating a pack, it feels like a war is about to happen."

Stiles let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, no kidding."

"Scott-" Paige interjects and stands on the other side of the table, "Hey-"

Stiles pointed ahead of them, "Do you see that?"

Scott looked between his two friends like they were losing their minds, "Uh... What, it's an empty table."

"Yeah, but whose empty table?"

Scott noticed the looks of concern on their faces before realization hit him, "Boyd."

"We should go." Paige whispers with wide eyes as the group gathers their things and rushes out of the cafeteria, "Where should we go?"

"I'm going to go to the ice rink, see if he's there." Scott explains as they ran quickly, "And if he's not him, you call me, got it?"

"Who am I going with? You or Stiles?"

"Uh... Stay with Stiles." Scott offered before he noticed this look that appeared on his face, "What?"

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