41: One thing on the list

Start from the beginning

Paige flopped back down on the bed and threw the book of Irish mythology across the room. She felt like her head was going to implode from everything. She just needed to know what she was and yet here she was completely thrown off. There were a few creatures that made sense but didn't have everything. Stiles had pointed out before he left for his double date that not all mythology was correct. After all, silver bullets didn't affect werewolves, it was the family with the last name silver that did. So some things weren't all going to add up, but she wished someone just knew.

"Okay-" Paige pulled a notebook out of her backpack, it was her notes for chemistry but she flipped it over to the very last page. This was where she was writing a list of everything she figured out about herself.

Feel others pain (but not everyone- still trying to figure this one out)

Wander off and end up in oddly specific places

Enter dreams? (could be wrong and all)

Incepting people, seeing through their eyes but it's blurry and can't make everything out perfectly

Heightened senses, but only when I focus

Paige reached over and bit one of the keebler cookies she had bought the other day. She pulled her feet up on the bed and sat criss cross. Reaching for another book, Paige held the cookie in her mouth while flicking through the pages. She hummed for a few moments before lifting her head up to look at the window.

Without thinking, Paige allowed herself to wander since it somehow always brought her places. Actually, it always somehow brought her to Derek. So, maybe she'd just end up wherever he was currently hiding. She just threw on her slip on sneakers and left the house in the pajamas she was borrowing from Stiles. She also remembered to wear a sweater just in case, this was probably the first time she didn't grab her red hoodie and snagged one of Stiles' ones instead.

Not knowing where she was going was pretty weird and kind of made her nervous. So she began to hum to herself, which ended up being Grenade by Bruno Mars. She knew it came out the previous year but it was the first song that came to her mind.

Paige wasn't even sure what neighborhood she was currently in. She was definitely in Beacon Hills but this was in a whole different area. She never visited this area before. Granted, she didn't really travel around unless she was with Stiles or Scott. But this was something entirely different than that. She was alone purposely wandering around aimlessly to see if a theory she had would be true.

Without realizing where she was, Paige wasn't careful enough and tripped over something in front of her. She let out a loud squeal and dropped to the floor. Scrambling to sit up, Paige looked around the area. She was in a building...? It looks abandoned and she was now covered in dirt and dust so she had to assume it hadn't been used in years.

"Look who's here."

Paige twisted her head around and saw Erica coming towards her. She went to stand up but Erica grabbed onto the back of Paige's neck, "Ow-ow-ow-ow-"

"Erica!" Isaac yells out as he runs over to them, "Let her go-"


"Release her now."

Paige rubbed the back of her neck and quickly scurried away from the group, she eyed them all, "Why'd you have to be all grabby and crap? I've always been nice to you."

Derek raised his hand up before Erica could answer her, the blonde instantly shut her mouth and backed away. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to think of something to say, "No clue honestly. Kind of just... wound up here."

Lil' Red Riding Hood | Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now