"We aren't asking you to leave her. We need to go get more weapons from the car so we can save her." I growled at him. "You don't know what you are asking of me Louis."

Louis turned my head and released me. He peered deeply into my eyes along with Liam. "You have to trust us mate. We would never let anything happen to Blair or Aria."

I scanned their faces. They looked at me with the utmost confidence. We could do this. We just needed to leave her for a little bit. I looked back at my daughter. She was struggling against the man. He was manhandling her roughly. The sight made my blood boil. I was livid.

"Look at Aria, Harry. She is helpless right now." My eyes widened as I made out the small figure of my wife. She was strapped in some wooden torture device. Her knees and feet were buckled to the chair and her neck was bent over a wooden plank. Dry blood oozed from her wounds and there were various slices on her thighs and arms. Fuck, what did they do to her. She was losing so much blood and there was no way she could escape from the contraption. She couldn't save herself. It was up to us.

I peered again at my wife and child. They needed my help...even if I had to leave them for a few minutes.

"Let's do it" I muttered to Louis and Liam. Liam immediately sprung into action while Louis held back for a second. He turned his attention to Blair before looking back at me. "She will be ok Haz. We will get them out of there." My eyes welled up with tears. I truly never thought I would find such an amazing family. I locked eyes with him and nodded. I made sure he knew how much appreciation and love I had for him. He truly was my brother. Through all the guns and bullets and chaos...he was there. "Let's go, brother" I said.

His lips spread to form a massive grin and I laughed. I pat him on the back, and we snuck down the hill silently. The men were too busy, splashing a bucket of water on Aria. She shook awake and I saw her look around confused. In the corner of my eye, I saw her watch me go down the hill. I turned and locked eyes with her. Her bloodshot eyes were filled with so much love and pride.

I gave her a long look before she turned around and made her presence known. She yelled threats and insult at her captors. She purposely formed a rougish façade to distract them so we could flee.

Liam quietly awoke Zayn and pulled him down the hill. We met on the other side and silently crept down the sides of the house. Like a fucking idiot, Dean forgot to surround the house with guards.

"Zayn. Where did you put the emergency chambers." I whispered. "Down here" He directed us to a small stone well. Deep inside, I could hear small voices. "Mummy, where is Blair" Theo!

Zayn dropped a long piece of rope down the well and jumped in first. I went after him and then Louis and Liam followed. As we reached the bottom, four stone walls surround us, each containing four different doors. I looked around with a confused expression. I admired the stone carvings and mafia crests.

"Now what?" Louis asked, breaking the silence. "Be patient" Zayn scolded. Liam and I looked at each-other with smirks.

"There is only one door which leads to the secret passage. We need to answer some questions to be able to enter safely." Zayn explained. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously. My wife and daughter are in danger and now I have to answer some fucking riddles." Stress flooded through me. I was running on limited time and riddles took forever to solve. Louis comforted me with a pat on the back and a smile while we waited for Zayn to come back. Zayn ventured out of a small tunnel with a secret microphone and a box of questions.

"This is the door activator. We have to correctly answer three questions out-loud for it to let us pass through." He voiced. "Fuck sake" I muttered and ripped a card from the box of questions. My eyes scanned the words and I read them aloud, "What year did Aria join the Black Cobras?...easy, 2009" I answered hastily. "Correct" the small activator spoke. I smirked and Louis read out another question. "Fuck...ummm what does 'para tus ojos solo' mean?"

We all looked up from what we were doing and shared a look. "For your eyes only" We said in unison. We peered around at each other, taking a few moments to ourselves. I was forever grateful for these boys. Zayn smirked and Liam patted me on the back. I smiled solemnly and then took out the final question. "Why did Aria forgive Harry after he betrayed her in the palace..." The words drifted off my tongue quietly. I hung my head and peered at the stone floor. I was overcome with shame, embarrassment, and discomfort. The boys all shared a look and then simultaneously peered at me.

"She...I don't know Harry. You did fuck her over pretty bad." Liam muttered boldly. I arched my neck and glared at him. The rest of the boys nodded along with his sentence.

Out of nowhere, the operator began to speak, "This is the last question, if you pass then you will be granted entry." I sighed and looked at the floor again.

"She knew she was pregnant and wanted to make amends?" Louis tried. I shook my head, "Blair wasn't even conceived yet." I searched my memories in an attempt to answer the question.

I thought back to the weeks before I turned her in. We were in bed, making love. She confessed her love for me and like a monster I turned her away. She didn't know what I had done. She saw the guilt in my eyes, I know she did. She just didn't know why. I was so guilty for turning her in. I was guilty for saving my own arse when I should have been protecting the woman I loved. I was battling shame and regret.

She loved me so much. Too much for her own good and I let her down. I sighed and passed a hand through my messy hair.

She loved me. She loved me. I repeated in my mind.

"Love." I spoke.

My eyes widened. That's it!

"She forgave me because she loved me!" I yelled excitedly. I desperately awaited an answer. Come on. That had to be right. I let out a long breath and peered at the boys. They all anxiously crouched around the stone table. Come on.

In the midst of silence, I heard a small sound. In a split second, we all tugged out our guns. Feet pattered through the tunnel and we all froze. We stood ready for the attacker. I signalled to the boys to walk forward. We all stalked down the rocky vessel slowly. The shadows on the cave walls grew bigger as the person came closer. It was then that I finally got my answer and heard a small voice which signified our success.

"Uncle Harry."

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