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Song- Hurt People by Jack & Jack

Aria's POV

I stepped back into the room with Blair behind me. Louis and the boys stared at me with worry. The expressions they held told me that they were at a loss for words and actions. Everything seemed pointless at this second, but a little family love never hurt.

Harry's body was leant on the window sill while he stared outside. His long-sleeve black shirt was ripped and he had a ring in his hand. It was the familiar silver ring with a thick rim that Anne had gifted him when he was a child. My eyes clouded with sympathy.

I turned around and smiled at Blair and whispered into her ear. She nodded and stalked towards her father. She sat on the windowsill next to him, shaking him out of his thoughts.

Blair wrapped her arms around her Dad's neck and he held her close while he sniffled.

I looked at them both in awe. I stepped closer to Harry and the others took that as a sign to leave us alone. They closed the slightly unhinged door behind them, leaving the three of us.

I stood next to the both of them. Blair looked up at me with beaded hazel eyes. I would never forget the way she looked at me. It was like I was her only saviour and guardian angel in this unforgiving world. She took my hand, mustering all her strength to pull me onto the ledge with them. Harry finally looked at me and wrapped his arms around the both of us. I closed my eyes, listening to his cries. His tears soaked the back of my shirt but I ignored it, stroking his hair to calm him.

"They will pay" he choked. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked him in the eye. Blair did the same, staring at Harry. He looked out the window, his fingers still dwindling the ring.

"They will all die" He muttered with tears streaking down his face.

"Then I may have a clue to who could help us in doing so" I whispered, watching Harry's eyes widen in curiosity and a hope that made the strings in my heart tug with an overwhelming empathy.


"Jackson" I yelled excitedly, running to embrace him. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. He sat on a throne with stacks of gold bars around him which no doubt, were real.

Harry pulled me back to him.

"Jackson Thomas?" He muttered in a low voice so only the boys and I could hear. "That's who you thought could help us." He asked in disbelief. I shrugged and nodded.

"Well, somebody has certainly grown from that little gang near the town's docks. I'm impressed" I said, looking around the superficial and materialistic room.

Jackson laughed and nodded.

"I will admit. I do have a thing for bling and power but that's only because I came from nothing. I'm sure you can understand Harry" He looked at Harry with a teasing smile but Harry just firmly nodded and looked away with a clenched jaw. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to catch up with Jackson.

"Wait, so how do you two even know each other" Harry cut in with irritated eyes. I sighed and glanced at Jackson. He seemed quite amused with Harry's annoyance.

"Well your wife here, once knocked me out and strapped me to a chair many, many years ago. Isn't that right Aria?" he said, throwing an arm around my shoulder and I playfully rolled my eyes. Harry's eyes narrowed at Jackson's arm and he growled warningly causing Jackson to let go and keep walking.

Jackson was sure cocky and had the ego as big as an elephant but he could never shake a warning from an older and stronger mafia member like Harry.

"Hey, I wasn't sure which side you were on. I was just taking precautions" I said with a smirk and he shook his head.

"Now Jackson I'm sure you know we didn't come here to fuck spiders" I said sternly. Jackson's eyebrows furrowed.

"What" he sputtered and I rolled my eyes.

"It's Australian slang for we aren't here to fuck around" I explained and he nodded, understandingly.

"Harry's family has gone missing including a 15 year old boy and we need help getting them back" I briefly explained. Jackson looked taken back and nodded.

"Well never thought THE Queen Aria would be asking for my help but never mind that. Who took them?" He asked.

"The Callous Cartel" Harry clenched his fists and his jade eyes darkened as he spoke. I placed my hand over his closed fist, stroking his knuckles with my thumb to calm him. Jackson's eyes almost bulged out of his head.

"How did you manage to get a beef with them" He asked curiously and I rolled my eyes.

"It's a long story but right now, we need to get our family back" I sternly said.

He nodded once, beckoning us to follow him.

Blair crept up beside me and Jackson's eyes bulged out of his head once again at the sight of her.

"Who is this little lady?" He questioned, extending a hand and cocking an eyebrow and admiring her strong grip.

Harry stepped in front of her protectively and I huffed at his unnecessary father bear behaviour but I let it go. He doesn't know Jackson like I do and frankly if he introduced us to someone who I didn't know then I would be furious.

"Dude chill, I'm not gonna steal your family." Jackson laughed and Harry tensed. "Aria is too old for me anyway" he winked, trying to restore the comical atmosphere. My eyebrows rose sassily, as I linked arms with Harry.

"You're just saying that because your balls had hardly dropped the day we met" I rebutted and Harry smiled.

Jackson huffed, acting like he was hurt and stormed away.

Blair giggled and followed after him but Harry turned to me. I felt his tense muscles and I pecked him on the lips softly.

"Just trust me" I whispered. He nodded, kissing me again before taking my hand and following after Blair and Jackson.


Blair held the rifle, shooting into the middle target until the metal stand had burnt a hole. I stood there proud, trying to block out the guilt of training my baby to shoot a gun.

Fight to kill though, right?

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist as we both watched Blair get her daily training. I could see the rest of the boys watching her with tight-lipped smiles. We all knew it was so wrong but it was necessary, especially now. There would always come a time when our baby had to venture on her own journey. When neither of us would be there to protect her and it was up to her to fight and survive or give up. We needed to prepare her for the first option.

Blair sweat profusely as she walked to the punching bag, going over her set routine. She punched the bag with incredible force. She was getting stronger. I could see it. She would be just like me soon and that caused tears to brim to my eyes. Harry hugged me, kissing my neck softly as we watched her.

"Harry, Aria" Jackson called from the balcony above us. His eyes set on us before going to our daughter. His eyes widened in shock and we quickly made our way up the stairs. Zayn nodded at us on the way up, communicating that he would watch Blair. I smiled in gratitude and stalked up the stairs to the balcony.

"What have you found" I asked immediately. Jackson stood behind a computer nerd and I watched the screen as did Harry.

"We used the piece of paper you gave us and the search dogs hunted down the scent and stopped at a certain place" Jackson explained and he pointed to a small blimp on the screen.

I sensed the presence of the boys behind me and turned around swiftly.

"Get there now" I said sternly and they nodded briskly before heading for the destination.

Let's just hope we found what we were looking for before it was too late.

tiny & vicious || h.s ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora