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Song: I Don't Want Her by Eric Bellinger

Aria's POV

Gunshots. Flashing lights. Chaos.

The whole ordeal caused my body to vibrate and flinch. Recognition flowed through me as an attacker stepped through the doorway. He was armed. My hand immediately reached for my gun and I pressed the trigger, killing the man in front of me. The bullet flew straight through his forehead and imbedding itself in the wall behind him. The glossy red liquid covered my cream interior and I cringed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Harry shielded Blair and moved her beneath the seat quickly. Gemma and Luke stepped in front of Theo and moved him into the back room. Anne crouched behind her seat and the boys instantly rose from their seats, gun in hand.

The air stilled as the gun blast created a whirl of smoke. I squinted my eyes, trying desperately to see our attackers. Suddenly, red rays visibly shun through the smoke, along with loud calculated footsteps. The men walked confidently through the smoke, the leader placing his business glasses on. The glasses reflected off the light, shining in my eye and I flinched, moving my head. I snuck a look at Blair who was visibly shaking. My heart ached for my daughter but all I did was continue to aim my gun and shift my foot closer to her. I wanted to be comforting but I had to stay focused on getting us out of here alive. I felt her tiny hands latch onto my ankle like her life depended on it and my heart warmed. She was safe. For now.

"Aria Watson" A gruff, cool voice slid through the air. It was unfamiliar. My eyebrows furrowed at the sound and my eyes flicked to the boys. They all shook their heads at me, signalling they also had no idea who this man was. The only person I saw freeze was Harry. I glanced at him, but he just shook his head. The veins in his hands and arms flexed as he held the gun tighter in recognition of the voice. "And gang..." The man flicked his head to the rest of my group and then chuckled. "You won't be needing those." The armed men behind him aimed their red rays at the boys and they all grunted angrily, hesitantly placing their guns down. Harry and I though, kept our guns aimed and ready. The man stared at our guns pointedly before walking forward. His steps were slow and calm. He was confident and it made me sick.

His face lit up with an evil grin and his leg felt beneath our seat. Shit. My jaw clenched as his foot brushed against our daughter. My eyes stayed glued to his, daring him. I lifted an eyebrow menacingly and he chuckled before raising his hands in surrender. He slowly walked back to his men before turning around and dramatically uncovering his eyes.

I sucked in a quick breath in realisation. His blue eyes sparkled menacingly in the afternoon light and his pale skin gleamed.

"Drew Marshall" My voice held recognition and confidence. My gun stayed up and he smiled before outstretching his arms.

"In the flesh" The same evil grin spread across his face and I scoffed. Harry stepped out of our plane seats and into the middle corridor. I followed him with my gun raised. I missed a step due to Blair's nails clawing into my ankle, but she briskly let go. I brushed it off and kept walking slowly. I felt how scared she was and it made my heart bleed. Blair's fearful eyes met mine and I subtly nodded at her, ensuring her that it would be okay. My heart wrenched at the sight of her so scared and helpless. My stare turned into a glare as I peered at the fucking motherfucker in front of me.

"Why are you here Drew" Harry's voice held unbelievable anger. Red tinted his skin and his nostrils flared. Drew's eyes flickered between Harry and I. He peered absently at his nails as if he had all the time in the world. Before I could react, our pilot was dragged out of the cockpit and was thrown on the soft carpet. Blood fell from the cut on his mouth. Bruises littered his tanned skin. My catlike eyes drooped at the sight of Eduardo. He didn't deserve this. His family back in Perth didn't fucking deserve this. "Pilot..." Drew's face lit up in a smile and I glared at him. His eyes raked down my body and I had to resist the urge to gauge them out. I scanned his body with disgust, and he shook his head and winked at me. I ground my teeth, sensing the anger and tension in the atmosphere, caused by his pitiful actions. Zayn and Harry growled in my defence. Drew smiled gleefully, knowing he had managed to rile them up.

"Set course for Australia. Let's take these kids home" As the words left his mouth, Theo was suddenly dragged from the back room and thrown onto the floor. My whole gang growled. Drew flicked his fingers and Blair was pulled out from under the seat. She screamed at the man, front force kicking him in the mouth. She makes me so proud, I smiled at her. My eyes suddenly went dark when the man she assaulted, rubbed his cheek, ready to lay a hand on my baby girl. "You little bitch!" The man went to hit her, but Harry was too quick.

Blair screamed as the man Infront of her, rolled his eyes back and collapsed on the floor, blood oozing from his body and seeping into the lush carpet. I snickered at Drew and he snarled back at me. He sighed angrily.

"Alright I've had enough games. Take the kids"

Screams ripped from our throats. Four men tackled Harry and I to the ground. I fought back, slicing one's throat with my knife and shooting another in the leg. But there were too many, one of the men punched Harry in the neck and he shook violently. I growled, kicking him in the balls. I heard my daughter's screams before I saw her. As my attacker sunk to the floor, I looked over his shoulder briefly to observe a sight which made my blood boil. Blair and Theo were dangerously dragged across the floor, heading straight for the plane bathroom.

Blair tried her best to protect them both, kicking and nudging the men, but she was failing. She dug her heels into the ground, causing the men to stop and grab ahold of her legs. My eyes flicked to the rashes on her knees and I growled. Enough is enough. I briskly felt for my knife and expertly lodged it into the man holding Blair. The dagger flew through the air, emitting a tiny whistle and cut clean through his throat. He gurgled, choking on his own blood before falling backwards into a wall.

"Mama. Dad" Blair's voice. "Mum. Dad come help us!" Theo's voice. Fury licked my veins and I nudged the men out of my way.

I sprinted through the gaps, setting my eyes on our children. "Theo" I yelled out to him. I was so close. My hand brushed against his. I smiled, clutching onto his leg but my victory was cut short.

I was suddenly jerked back by an indescribable force. Rope burned my skin and I yelled out in pain. Another piece looped around my leg and pulled me back like a wild animal. I gnashed my teeth, growling at the men. I successfully kicked one in the face, before noticing the asshole before me. Drew flashed his pearly whites at me before nodding to something behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and jerked forward, attempting to free myself. But the blinding pain in the back of my skull stopped me. My eyes rolled, and my vision went blurry.

"Blair" I groaned, watching as she was pulled away. Her eyes met mine and I faintly noticed the sheer look of terror in her hazel orbs. I gave her a long-lasting look before she was dragged into the bathroom and locked in. I will save her. I observed the man in front of me, somehow seeing double. Drew's evil smirk trailed me, becoming a figure of my nightmares. My body swayed limply as I hit the floor. I groaned as pain shot up my spine. I looked up into his terrorizing baby blue orbs.

Suddenly, I crashed. Falling into a never-ending, painful and dark sleep.

And the last thing I head was not the comforting words of my husband nor the beautiful voice of my baby girl.

It was the disgusting voice of my attacker saying,

"Goodnight my little Muppet" 

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