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Song: Put Your Records On by Ritt Momney

2 Years later...

Aria's POV

As my eyes flutter open, I smell the scent of pancakes and the feeling of bare skin on mine. I groan as I feel the weight of Harry's body on mine. His new ink trails up his neck and I trace it lightly, feeling him shift. His curls brush against my chin as he rests his face in my boobs. I chuckled, watching as he lifts his head from the crevices of my breasts.

"Fun night?" I questioned with a smile. "Good morning, Sunshine" A lazy smile adorns his gorgeous face and I give him a light peck. Last night was the first time, Harry had gone out since well...you'll see.

As if on cue, I heard the faint rattle of the door knob and a loud cry. I rolled over, watching as my sweet Blair picked up her little brother. She held him so tenderly and walked him over to us.

"Good morning baby." I kissed her on the cheek lightly, seeing she was all dressed for school.

"First day of grade 7, are you excited." Harry questioned as he leant over me and rested his head on my shoulder. I leant into his touch before picking up our baby boy.

His eyes were still closed as he sucked on his little dummy. I was excited to see him open them so I could gaze at those gorgeous caramel eyes again. Nicholas James Styles was born 6 months ago on the cold morning of July 1st. He was absolutely beautiful. As I cradled him, I could see all of his features. His black locks, long eyelashes, little freckles and pink lips. He looked much more like me then Blair did and I was so happy. He was perfect.


Blair's POV

I walked into the hallway with a heavy heart. Ever since Nico was born, I have never left his side Mum always makes fun of me for being a helicopter but I can't help it. It was so hard to separate from my baby brother but today was my first day of high school. I had to leave him.

After Mum gained her memory back, it was rough for a while. Young me believed that once Mama remembered her life then we would all be happy again and rainbows would light up the sky. It was far from the case. She was admitted into the hospital for a few more months to ensure her fragile mind would not crack again. Dad and I spent each day by her side but recovery was a long process. My uncles tried to drag us away from her for a second just to enjoy life outside of those four blank hospital walls or even to just get some fresh air in the palace courtyards but that didn't interest us.

We were happy by Mama's side and we belonged by her side. The months after she moved from the ward to our wing were also hard. They were both in and out of meetings, trying to secure the kingdom and ensure this damage would never happen again. There was so much construction. We had to build more panic rooms and build higher walls. My Mama wanted to be sure rebels could never break into our kingdom ever again. The only thing that made things more bearable was Mila and the kids and Theo. It felt amazing to have my big 'brother' next to me. He started high school last year so I was feeling a little better knowing he would be by my side the whole time.

As I paced the hallways, the guards gave me a nod and I gave them a smile before entering Theo's ward. I could hear faint laughter and giggles from the kids. Isabela was almost 3 now and she was gorgeous. She was probably my favourite out of all of them. Theo watched as I ventured closer and he gave me a nod before helping Isabela and the twins put on their uniforms. It was time for the twins to go to grade school as well. Isabela was just putting on a uniform because it prevented her from throwing a tantrum when we all left. It made her feel apart of our little group.

"All ready for school Blair?" Aunty Gemma and Uncle Luke walked into the room with small backpacks in their hands. Mila was away with the other children so during the day, they would watch over the smaller children. "Yes, aunty Gem." I nodded, giving her a little hug. "Not too old to hug your Uncle Luke are you?" He scoffed. I shook my head and gave him a head bump before grabbing my backpack. "Come on Theo. You're going to make us late like you always do" I rolled my eyes. "I'm coming." He replied back, fumbling with his hair. "Theo, no matter how much gel you put in your hair. It's not going to make the boys like you" I laughed. As soon as he turned his head, I knew I was in trouble. I broke into a sprint, running out the doors and through the hall.

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