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Song: Ballin by Logic

Blair's POV

Do you ever feel so scared, your heart feels like it's about to burst? Yeah, that's how I feel.

My legs sprinted on their own accord, leaping over fallen logs and greenery. My lungs expanded quickly which each breath I took. I had to get out of here soon. The sun was beginning to descend in the afternoon sky and if I wasn't quick, I would soon fall prey to the dozens of violent wild animals, and that didn't sound like such a great idea. My hand clung to the gun like my life depended on it, because it very well did. A burning sensation started to form in my legs from my exhaustion, but I couldn't stop. I had to keep running. Find a car or something. Who am I kidding? I can't drive. I don't know where to go. I have nowhere to go. I am stuck here. My legs slowed down as the thoughts ran through my brain.

My breaths were audible as I raked a hand through my hair. I am so scared. Fear shook me to my core. I gazed around me. Which way do I go? Each step I took, felt like I was venturing further from any chance of my family finding me. I stopped running and rested my hands on my knees. Sweat ran down my face and arms in heavy streaks. I wanted my Mama. Where is she? Tears threatened to spill. I collapsed and fell on the ground. I felt various bugs crawl all over my skin but I ignored them. I wanted my Dad.

"Somebody! Please save me!" A scream ripped from my parched throat. I felt like the lonely, helpless child that I was. The one my mother didn't raise me to be. Desperation weighed me down like a weight. Tears leaked down my face. My resolve had shattered. I curled up into a ball on the forest floor and cried. I wanted my family. I wanted my Aunty Jordyn back...I shook my head. No. She was going to kill me. She was going to shoot me. She was going to end my life with a flick of her finger. She didn't deserve my remorse. But...she was my Aunty. My second Mother.

The tears were coming fast now. I wanted my Aunty back. The Aunty who would protect me with her life and give me everything she could to make me happy. She would willingly jump out of bed and make me pancakes. She would do anything she could to keep a smile on my face. I never had any problems with her. I missed her. Her warm embraces. Her soft smile. Her motherhood.

I was so lost in my tears; I didn't notice the stealthy presence surrounding me. The person who lurked in the trees. Watching me cry at her absence. I wondered, did she even care? Did she care that she would have ended my life? Sent me to the same grave, my grandmother was left in. She didn't care. She felt nothing for me, and she was gone.

While I wept on the ground, I didn't notice her feet shuffling towards me, until her hand harshly touched my shoulders. The force knocked me to the ground and sent us tumbling. In the swing of things, my orbs briefly met hers. My eyes widened and I gaped at her. She sent me a snarl and pushed me over again.

We rolled down the hill, unknowingly hurting each other. My foot ended up kicking her in the face and her nails raked down the side of my face. Blood spilled from the cut in my cheeks and I cried out. Why was she doing this to me?

"Aunty Jordyn! Please stop!" I wailed loudly. Our bodies stopped rolling and I got up on my feet. Jordyn leaped up and pushed me down. My face went pale as I finally scanned her. Blood ran down the split of her head and she stumbled on one leg, the other still crushed from the iron bar. It was like I had seen a ghost. How? How did she catch up to me? How did she get out of there? The car. It blew up right infront of me. I saw it. How did she get out in time? She stared evilly into my eyes and cackled once she noticed the sheer look of confusion imbedded in to my expression. "How did I get out?" She yelled. "How did I save myself from the burning car you left me in? That's what you're thinking, aren't you!" Anger tainted her thick voice. I had to cover my ears from the noise. She ripped my hands from the side of my head and shuffled closer to me.

"I crawled out of there. At the last second, right before the car burst. I could have died Blair!" She was livid. Her angry voice scolded me, finally seeing me as the child I am. As her sentence came to an end, her right arm lifted. My eyes flashed to the sleek silver gun in her hand. I subconsciously crept back, trying to increase the distance between us. My heels dug into the dirt and my elbows scraped against the rough pebbles. I winced, grabbing my elbow. Jordyn watched my actions with a bored expression.

"I didn't mean to" I muttered, peering up at her with all the strength I could muster. She laughed, creeping closer to me. My eyes flickered to the gun carefully, deciding to distract her while I searched the ground for a weapon. She kept stalking closer to me. "You didn't mean to" She mocked me. "You looked straight in my eyes. You saw me pleading for you to save me. And you didn't. You threw me to the tigers Blair. Just like your mother, so selfish!" She yelled out, lifting the gun to the air before firing a bullet. I flinched hard at her action, watching her re-aim the weapon at me like some psychopath. She was less than a metre away from me now.

"You tried to kill me too!" I argued back. How dare she blame this all on me. I didn't ask her to take me from my parents and pull a gun on me, did I? She rolled her eyes. "I wasn't actually going to shoot you. Come on, I'm not that bad. Gosh you are a carbon copy of your mother aren't you? Always so dramatic. Always so quick to flip on someone else." She gestured the gun again. I gaped at her but decided to ignore her comment about my Mama. "You still took me from Dad" I yelled. Her eyes flashed crimson in response to my disrespectful tone and her nostrils flared. Fear shot through me and I hushed. I flashed her an apologetic look before seemingly backing down and staring at the ground. She was coming closer. My hands scanned the ground behind me. Once I touched my newfound weapon, I smiled subtly.

Jordyn huffed. "Get over it. They probably don't care that you're gone anyway" She admitted. My blood ran cold. "What do you mean?" I shakily replied. Jordyn smiled deviously. "They don't care. If they wanted to find you, they would have by now" My hand dropped the stick. Tears built up behind my eyes. She was right. Mama and Dad have lots of workers. They should have found me by now.

"Now come on. Get up and let's go" Jordyn's voice quietened, and she reached out a hand. "I still have to get you to Drew." I furrowed my eyebrows. Who's that? I dismissed the thought as I felt the cold metal press against my back. Jordyn pushed me forward after pulling me up. "Walk" I obliged and started moving up the hill and through the forest. As I walked, thoughts of my Mama and Dad floated through my mind. They didn't want to find me. They didn't care. Just like Aunty Jordyn. Were they all in on this? Taking me to some guy called Drew. Did they not want me anymore? What did I do? Once again, tears poured down my face and I sniffled quietly.

I knew Jordyn heard me because she tapped me with the gun and pushed against my back, making me walk faster. I glared out of the corner of my eye and crossed my arms. Even she didn't want to comfort me anymore. I thought back to the days when she would pull me into her warm arms when I was the tiniest bit sad. When my Mum would make me dinner while Dad set me on his lap. None of them wanted me anymore, and I didn't know why. I had lost hope. My mother hated me. My father wanted me gone and my Aunty was holding a gun to my back.

What had the world come to?

"Turn left" I obliged to her order and kept moving. The forest was coming to an end now. The darkness started to seep into the bottom half of the bush, chasing us with every passing minute. Suddenly, I heard Jordyn curse quietly and pull the gun from my back. What was she doing? "Shut up. Say anything and I will kill you" She harshly breathed into my ear. My body froze. What happened?

"Blair! My baby!" I lifted my head to see the two people I thought forgot about me.

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