Chapter 7: Uhh I think my Right arm is broken...

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The conversation started from the albino's little sister to the current problems of the empire. The albino is truly a master of words and manipulation that the First Princess didn't even notice that they were now conversing casually till her dear Husband arrived.

"Good afternoon dear and An you two seem to be having fun" Handing his coat to the nearby butler, he came closer.

"Your back early"

"Ah Duke Arkint welcome back"

"I hope you don't mind if I join you for tea"

"Not at all"

As Duchess Ernia said that, the duke immediately sat down on the chair beside her.

"This tea is the best! What's it called?"

"Anastacius made this tea"


"That is true, I made it based of Duchess Ernia so it should be the best!"

"That is too kind"

"Not at all Duchess Ernia! I have always admired you, ever since I read a book about etiquette a few years ago!" It's true, he was reading a book about how the latest etiquette is done and her name kept appearing on almost all examples and when he was reading about the history she also was mentioned.

"My Wife is really famous for her beauty and intellect"

"Oh stop it you two"

The blunette covered her face with a fan to hide the light blush adorning her face. Her guard was still not lowered enough so the albino had to act more carefully to not repeat a certain weed's mistake.

Then the albino then took out a covered dish and placed it in the middle of the table.

"Now this dish is inspired by how I view your lovely family-"

Opening the tray a tower of different coloured biscuits met their view.

"-I call it macarons! I haven't let anyone taste it except the lady in the kitchen, so I hope it reaches yours standard!"

All of the biscuits has the their crest on the top and it doesn't take a genius to know that it is difficult to use crests as a design. Since the chefs would not want to insult the nobles by messing up the crest, they avoid the use of crests as a design.

The couple was once again surprised by the boy. This boy can be considered a genius but the problem is that they are not really sure.

Duke Arkint was the first to grab a macaron, it was Color red with the middle being white. He took a small bite of it and immediately after that an explosion of sweetness happened in his mouth. He was in a daze.

At the same time Duchess Ernia also took a macaron with Color like hair and eyes. The same thing happened to her but instead of being in a daze her eyes sparkled and she felt energized. With that the albino successfully received their hearts. Wow when they said that "the best way to an adult's heart is through their stomach" they weren't joking.

Anastacius' POV

Soon enough the couple started stuffing their faces with macarons, but Duchess Ernia did it more elegantly and discreetly. This is fun to watch and all but I need to be close enough to Duchess Ernia before I ask her a favour.

"Wow this is very delicious! When did you learn how to bake?"

"I started when I first learnt that we are having Tia!"

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