Chapter 13: Respect

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Anastacius' POV

"I wish to learn how to wield a sword!"

Though it may not look like it, but I am listening to their conversation. And as soon as she said those words I placed my pen down. I decided to watch this scene before I interfere.

"You can't even run without a fall. How will you hold a sword? I don't recommend it"

"But I really wish to learn"

"You were born with a frail body. Harsh training will strain you even more"

"I'll work really hard! I want to overcome my weak physique! To build up my strength, at least, please? Can't there be someway I can learn?"

It was now my time to back up Ari.

"I can help you with that, since I too was born with a frail body, but are you sure that's what you really want?-"

Dad looked at me like I betrayed him, so I looked at him like when was I at your side?

Him: ≖_≖
Me: (¬_¬)

"-before that, let me ask you one thing. Ari, does it... have anything to do with the prince?"

"You did mention that Hou didn't want anything to do with the prince..."

Just like at the script dad asked that question. And now she's looking at her lap, as I can see her clench her hands tightly.

"Did you remember something from before?"

"Or perhaps did it have something to do with your nightmare from before?" I added after Dad asked his.

Aristia's POV

Right.. I might not only be the one to return from the future. If Father remembers the miserable past, just like me. What will I do?

"About when you were little?"

"When I was little?"

Oh..he's talking about something else. Whew, but...

"What do you mean when I was little? I met the prince for the first time a few days ago at the palace..."

Huh Father looks disappointed for a moment.

"...Then I suppose not, never mind what I just said. So then what is your reason?"

I took a deep breath and straightened my back even more as I said

"I don't want to get married, Father. I just want to stay like this and live happily with you guys, Brother and Papa..."



At this rate, I didn't just turn back into a child's body. Even my mind is becoming childish! How could I say something so childish...

Anastacius' POV

That...That was so adorable, even Dad was in a daze. So I held out my hands first.

"Ari come here"

She was fidgeting as she came closer, so when she was close enough I lifted her up and went closer to Dad.

"I thought you were all grown up now. But you're still a baby."

"Right. If that's what my dear Sister wishes for let's do that...But I am as strict as Dad, so please prepare yourself"

"Yes Papa!! Yes Big Brother!!"

The Ultimate Puppeteer, Aristia's Brother || The Abandoned EmpressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora