Chapter 2: The Ornery Realm

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Nova poured from the potion to a piece of cloth and dabbed on her wrist and in few seconds the symbol disappeared for few hours.

"How about all of you join me today?" Nova suggested as she walked out of her room to her friends who were sitting on the couch.

"I think I'll pass. There's nothing to do for me in ornery land anyway" Kyron replied.

"Dahlia and I could take you somewhere fun" Said Nova.

"Fun? You're not supposed to be having fun" he complained.

"Tell me about" Dahlia added with a sigh.

"I will be doing all the researching and exploring and after that we can, Vion is coming anyway. Yeah?"

"Nah I'll stick to the whole opening a portal and closing a portal for you thing" Vion replied scratching his eyebrow.

"Come on when was the last time we had fun? I promise you it will be fun. Besides you know the rules don't use your powers" Nova convinced them.

"Shall we then?" Nova asked proudly.

They all got up and Vion stepped away from the group, he brought his hands to either sides and created a portal that was a circular black colour door with a red out line as they spin around in circle. Nova was the 1st to step in to the portal to the Ornery land and followed her was Kyron and Dahlia. After they disappeared from view, finally Vion entered and disappeared.

The portal opened inside the small apartment Nova was given, they couldn't risk opening the portal anywhere else, where people could've seen.

"So? Where to?" Vion asked after the portal disappeared.

"Well, usually Dahlia and I go to the library first, but since you're here, you can go do something fun" Nova replied.

"What are we going to do though?" Kyron asked.

"You'll figure it out" she shrugged.

"I can't believe you let her drag us here Dahlia" Kyron looked at both of them disapprovingly.

"Trust me, I'd rather hang out with you than babysitting her at the library" Dahlia sighed.

"I never asked you! You tag along anyway!" Nova scoffed.

"Only because I know you'd be crying all day if I hadn't!" Dahlia retorted.

"Whatever!" Nova took her side bag which was on the couch and walked out side and closed the door behind her.

"And that's the future ruler of Azuvera" Kyron stated.

The door opened again and Nova put her head inside "come to the library in about 4 hours" she blew a flying kiss at Dahlia's direction and left.

Nova walked inside the library and sat behind a computer. She collected all the books she thought she needed and started reading them. They should've just made a separate place to in her world to learn about the ornery land, she thought to herself. Instead of coming all the way to ornery land just to study them.

Then she realized Lady Taia told her she was supposed to explore and learn. She rolled her eyes to herself. Such a pain it was.

While she turned the pages of the book she remembered of the rumors and stories that people once feared to speak of were out in the surface once again.

About Lady Hevlyn, going out of control. About her destroying everything. Because she had a weak power. Because she was also a shield. People who saw her said that she was no different from a monster, she killed anyone and everyone who stood in her way.

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