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"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Hoseok was very surprised to me. "Hi...sorry to be here so late."

"Yoongi if we get in trouble..."

"Don't worry, they're really going to get mad at a member of BTS?" I shrugged my shoulders but sat on the chair. Hoseok was already in bed, all cozy. "You can sleep on the bed, I'll take the chair."

"No no, I'll take the chair. I'll be fine. I've slept on worse anyways..." crap. I shouldn't have said that. They both looked at me with a questioning look, "Nothing nothing. But Yoongi take the bed. I know you love your sleep anyways."

Then he mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. I shrugged my shoulders and made myself comfy on the chair and Chinhae curled up with me on my lap. I was about to close my eyes only to be pulled off the chair by Yoongi, "Here just stay on this side then. Don't worry, I put pillows in between us."

I nodded my head and took the side facing Hoseok who smiled happily. "It feels like a sleepover, just like the old days." I softly smiled and agreed. Then he turned the light off and we went to bed. At least I tried to anyways. I was smiling to myself thinking how I came here, it was like when Yoongi and I would sneak out together to play basketball and just talk.


"Shh y/n! Be quiet or else we'll be caught!"

"I'm not even talking, you are!" We stealthily made it past each of the guys bedroom. I used to sleepover at BTS' dorm when they were trainees and luckily their manager was okay with it. Finally, after what felt like forever, we made it outside.

Grabbed our shoes and a basketball, we made a run for it to the park nearby. Not forgetting our hoodies, hats, and mask.

We played and talk for what felt like hours but was really at least 2. It was getting really late and we decided to head back.


Present time

"Shh Chinhae! Be quiet in there or else we'll get caught!"

I rolled my eyes at his response. I was walking next to Yoongi and luckily I was shorter than him so he could hide me from the front desk. We had Chinhae in a big bag, not sure where Yoongi got it from, and he carried it normally.

We got worried when Chinhae would bark or whine but we covered it up with our coughs and laughter, receiving weird looks from others. We made it to the elevator and laughed, "This is fun!"

"I know, I miss these shenanigans we used to have." We settled down and we both felt nostalgic, it made me feel really sad...if only things were different from the start.


I woke up to a bright light. I tried to move but for some reason I couldn't. I looked down to see an arm wrapped around me, knowing it was Yoongi. I know, well knew, him as someone who didn't move much in his sleep...how did we end up like this?

I slowly moved his arm but then he stirred awake and I dropped dead..well froze I mean.

"Oh I'm sorry y/n if I startled you."

"No it's okay, I'm sorry for waking you up."

"If it's you I'm okay." I ignored his comment and sat up in bed. I looked over at Hoseok who was under the covers knocked out. I looked at Chinhae and he was at the end of the bed curled up.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Yoongi was sitting up as well. "No...why what happened?"

"Well...you know I wouldn't hug you or anything like that in my sleep. But you were having a nightmare. You wouldn't wake up and so I did the only thing I could think of, comfort you. But then you pulled me closer so that was on you."

"Oh...well thank you I guess." I had a nightmare? And I don't even remember? Or couldn't wake up? That's a first. Yoongi got up first and went to the bathroom, I checked my phone but I realized I didn't charge it last night. Luckily, I saw Yoongi's phone was fully charged so I took his out and placed mine there. But because I lifted the phone, the screen turned on automatically and I saw something I probably shouldn't have.

His background was a picture of all of us, BTS and I. There is nothing wrong with it but it's the message I had seen. It was from him and I couldn't read the message but if he's still in touch with the members...he's bound to find out I was with them. That won't be good. Before Yoongi could catch me I put the phone down and got out of bed to stretch. I have to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Hey I laid out some things you can use to freshen yourself up okay?"

"Oh thanks." I simply washed my face and was done; I was going back home anyways. "Thanks Yoongi for helping me... I was hoping you could help me leave too? I don't want to get caught."

"Yeah I can. Are you going back home?"

"Yeah I need to take care of the water problem at home or else it will smell."

"Do you need help?"

"No no, I'll be fine. Thanks,"

I waited on the bed for Yoongi to get dressed and of course, all black outfit. But I have to admit, he does look handsome still...anyways, we both made our way out of the room luckily to see none of the members.

We made it down to the lobby and out, with Chinhae in the bag again

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We made it down to the lobby and out, with Chinhae in the bag again. "Thank you again for helping me."

"You're welcome. Be careful on your way home okay?" I nodded my head and turned around to see him...Youngjae.

"Oh hyung? What are you doing here?" Yoongi stood next to me and was surprised...not as much as me though. I stood frozen. I didn't know what to do.

"Not much, I figured to stop by and say hi since you were in my town. I texted you this morning." That's why he texted..and his town? He lives here? So then...that means he's had to have a way to watch me all these years right? Is that why he's here? Because of me? I thought I was done with him!

I was taken out of my thoughts by Yoongi, he shook my shoulder. "Y/n are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I nodded my head slowly, my throat not working.

"Hey y/n...it's been awhile. How have you been?" He smiled at me, as if he did nothing to me.

"F-fine..." I can't be here. I need to go. "W-well I'm g-going now. B-bye." I couldn't talk correctly. I kept stuttering. I walked past him and I knew he was looking at me as I walked away... I could feel his stares burning onto me.

What am I going to do? I don't know what...what will he do to them? Please don't harm BTS. Please don't. I couldn't think straight and then I fell to my knees, weak and stressed. My head started to hurt and I held onto it.

"Y/n? Y/n! What's wrong? Are you okay?" Yoongi came running to me and he was freaking out. I couldn't talk to him. Then I saw Youngjae's feet and he bent down to my level. "Are you okay?" It just brought back memories again...nightmares...I wanted him gone but I can't.

"Y/n please, talk to me!" Yoongi tried but I couldn't, then I passed out in his arms.

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