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I woke up feeling tired due to all the medications. I looked over to see Yoongi on my left and Jungkook on my right, both holding my hands. I've missed you guys so much... I tried to remove my hands from under theirs but they woke up cause of it.

"Noona you're awake!"

"How are you feeling y/n?"

"I feel fine. Just a bit tired is all."

"I'll be back hyung, I'll get the doctor." Jungkook left us and for some reason, Yoongi was radiating awkwardness. I looked at him then saw his face slowly become red.

"Yoongi are you okay? Your face is red."

"O-oh r-really? I'm fine." His stuttering made me laugh, it was too cute. I haven't seen him like that. Not in a long time. Then Yoongi laughed with me as well.

"So what was on your mind?" I asked after recollecting myself

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"So what was on your mind?" I asked after recollecting myself.

"I don't think you'd want to know..."

"Well tell me. Since it seems like you guys won't leave me alone and I can't get away from you..."

He looked at me sadly but then fiddled with my fingers. He mumbled something making me sit up a bit and lean over. "Yoongi I can't understand you if you mumble." He looked at me and I didn't realize just how close we were to each other. I could feel his breath on me and it reminded me what happened few nights ago. Yoongi almost kissed me.

I laid back down in bed when I heard the door open and I knew Yoongi stood up quickly since the chair scraped against the floor.

"Ah y/n you're awake."

"Um yes sir..."

"So I have some good news. One of my patients cancelled their appointment today and since you're here, would you like to do your test today?" I wasn't expecting that so soon...I honestly forgot I have cancer...am I ready? I mean, I've already considered myself dead because of Youngjae.

"Y/n you should do it. Jungkook and I will be here for you, waiting. If you want we can get the others too." Yoongi held my hand and as he looked at me, it just gave me the confidence to take the test. I don't want to die just yet...I still have a life to live and with BTS back, I don't think I'll have a second chance with them.

"Okay doctor, we can."

"Sounds good. I'll go to the operation room and get things prepared. I'll send a nurse in with a wheelchair and she'll bring you there,"

As soon as he left, I thanked them.

"There is no need to thank us Noona, we wanted to do this. After losing you once, it was hard and now that we have you, well we don't want to lose you again. I don't want to lose my best friend." Jungkook gave me a hug and I reciprocated it.

"Jungkook is right y/n. And with Youngjae on the loose, we're going to make this a personal matter. You don't have to worry about him anymore since the cops are looking for him anyways."

"Wait what?"

"While you were asleep, the guys and I talked. It's dangerous for you right now and we don't want anything to happen so we took it up with our manager and boss, you remember Bang PDnim. Anyways, they remembered you and because they also like you, they want to ensure your safety as well."

I couldn't believe it. I could be free from Youngjae. "So no more running? No more looking back over my shoulder?"

"No y/n, no more of that."

"And to top it off, we were going to tell you as a group but I can't contain my excitement. Bang pdnim said you can come and stay with us! He said he can hire you as a stylist so that you're with us all the time!" I looked at the two of them and I knew Jungkook was telling the truth since Yoongi walked over to smack him for spoiling the surprise.

"I'm sorry hyung but I couldn't help it. She's been dealing with bad news left and right and I wanted to make her happy."

"Thank you Kookie, you made me happy...but I don't get it. Why a stylist? I don't really do makeup anyways."

"Well we can always go into those details later when you're out of here and back in Seoul with us."

"Move back to Seoul...I can't believe it."

"Well believe it Noona!"

Their moment was interrupted with a nurse coming in pushing a wheelchair. "Y/n it's time to go now."

"Okay...is it actually okay if one of them comes with me? I don't really want to be alone..." I asked her quietly and she gave me a warm smile nodding her head.

"Yoongi can you come with me?" He was shocked, like a confused cat and I'm not going to lie, it was cute. "Yeah I can y/n. Jungkook call the others and wait here okay? I'll be back later with y/n."

"Okay hyung and you'll be okay noona!"


(A/N: I don't know much regarding doctors and how processes is when one has cancer so I'm sorry for incorrect information)

They laid y/n down on a machine that will scan her body and they'll be doing an x-ray as well to look at her lungs.

Yoongi was on the other side of the window, watching y/n lay there. The doctor was informing him of what he's seeing on the computer regarding her lungs and body. Yoongi took mental notes of everything, he wanted to know if there is anyway to delay and help y/n.

An hour later after the tests Yoongi pushed y/n back to her room to be greeted by the rest of BTS.

"Y/n! How did it go?" Hoseok asked. "I'm not sure yet. The doctor said he'd come back with the results of what to do next."

"Well we brought some food~ I cooked it! I bet you're tired of hospital food." Jin pulled out a lunchbox filled with rice, eggs, sausages, and kimchi in a smaller container.

"Jin you're the best!" Y/n began to eat as the others laughed at her. Yoongi glanced over to Namjoon and signaled him to follow. Without y/n noticing, the two left the room.

"Hyung what's up?"

"It's about y/n..." Yoongi was annoyed, sad, pissed, everything. "Hyung tell me what's wrong." Before Yoongi could say anything, the doctor came.

"Ah Yoongi, I assume you're informing your friend here."

"Yes sir but could you do it. I don't want to say anything wrong..."

"Of course."

"So about y/n..."

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