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Jennie walked out of the restaurant, aggressively wiping the tears from her face. She found the car that was waiting on her and got in.

"Good work on the show, buddy," Lisa smirked at her best friend.

Jennie looked up at her with tired eyes. "Thanks," she said weakly.

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"Like you care," Jennie scoffed.

She didn't know why she kept Lisa as a friend for all these years. Any time she found love, Lisa always found a way to ruin it. The only exception was Lucas.

Lucas had figured out what Jennie was doing, and beat her at her own game. That's how they became such great friends. They weirdly bonded over it. 

"Don't you think this has gone a little too far," Lucas asked Lisa, putting a hand on Jennie's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"Why do you think I told her to end it?" Lisa rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but can't you see she's hurting?" Lucas asked. "Why can't she just be with someone she loves?"

Lisa laughed at the boy. "Jennie is incapable of loving someone."

Jennie looked up at her best friend. "That's really what you think of me?" she asked.

"It's not a think, Jennie," the younger girl said. "It's a know."

"No," the model shook her head, "it's a think."

Lisa looked at her. Joshua rolled up the partition, not wanting to hear anything else.

"Who did you love, Jennie? Non-platonically, that is," Lisa asked.

"Kai," Jennie said, "but you got him to cheat on me, somehow."

"Oh, please," her best friend scoffed. "He would've done it anyways."

"How can you be so sure, Lisa?" Jennie asked.

Lucas pouted. He could hear the heartbreak in her voice.

"You didn't even give him a chance. You bribed him, because you saw how in love we were, and you couldn't stand the thought of me hanging out with someone that wasn't you."

"That is not true!" Lisa got defensive. "I let you hang out with Lucas—"

"Because you're always there!" Jennie yelled.

The other two jumped. Jennie wasn't one to yell. Hell, she barely even raised her voice.

"Not only did you ruin my relationship with him, and I forgave you, but you ruined my relationship with the one person I could see myself marrying," tears formed in Jennie's eyes.

Lisa stayed silent.

"And now she can't even look at me the same," Jennie sobbed. "And I had to leave her there confused after I kissed her, because I respect you enough to not spill all of our secrets."

Lisa shook her head. "What are you talking about—"

"I saw her tonight. She was with her mother, and she could barely have a meal in peace," Jennie snapped. "We ruined her life, Lisa. I ruined her life."

"It's not that deep, J," Lisa shook her head. "You told me you wanted to play her, I was just feeding into it—"

"That was before—"

"Before what, Jennie?"

"Before I got to know her," Jennie said. "She gave me a chance, even though she knew what kind of person I was. She gave me a chance even after the run-in's with some of my bimbo's. She gave me chance after chance, and I let them all go to waste just because I didn't want to lose you as a friend."

"So, what; you'd rather be dating her than be friends with me?" Lisa asked.

Jennie looked at her. "That's not what I said," she shook her head.

"That's what I picked up," Lisa sounded annoyed.

The younger girl knocked on the partition and Joshua rolled it down.

"Stop here," she said. "I'll walk home."


"Do it."

Joshua stopped the car and Lisa opened the door.

"Go and get her," Lisa looked at Jennie and Lucas in disgust. "I hope she's worth losing me over."

"Lisa, wait, that's not what I—"

Lisa got out of the car and slammed the door shut behind her.

Lucas grabbed Jennie's hand as she reached to open her door. "She's not worth it, J," he said. "If she was really your friend, she wouldn't be upset over this. Don't chase after her."

"She's the only thing I have left, Lucas," Jennie said.

"You have Rosé—"

"You think she'll give me another chance after what I did to her?" Jennie scoffed. "Get your head out of the gutter, Lucas."

Lucas tilted his head to the side. "She let you kiss her, didn't she?"


a/n: k maybe i lied abt the no sequel thing😣

i'm so bad at fitting everything into one story i'm so sorry😭😭😭😭

drop sequel name ideas here!

any questions/speculations that you would like me to answer/confirm?

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