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Joshua drove Jennie to her interview on Jimmy Fallon, and she was now backstage getting ready. She was still, obviously, pissed off with Roseanne, and everyone asking her if she was okay was not helping.

"Maybe you should try apologizing to her," her makeup artist said as she did her eyeshadow.

"Apologize for what, Maeng? I did nothing wrong," Jennie internally rolled her eyes.

"You went through her phone without permission, then snapped on her for not telling you who she was texting," Maeng said. "Giving me toxic boyfriend vibes."

"I wouldn't have had to snap on her or go through her phone if she would've just told me—"

"Maybe she was scared of how you would react," Maeng said. "And based off of your reaction, she was had a right to be."

"Whose side are you on?" Jennie snapped.

"I'm just telling you my opinion—"

"Yeah, well, I don't need it," Jennie got up from her seat. "Get out. I'll finish it myself."

Maeng giggled, sitting her makeup brush down. "As you wish, princess."

Her makeup artist left and Jennie sat down at her vanity. She took a deep breath, covering her face with her hands. There was absolutely no way she was having a meltdown over a relationship. No way in hell.

"I can't do this," Jennie shook her head. "I will not let her do this to me."

"Don't tell me you're actually catching feelings," Lisa walked into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Jennie groaned.

"Had some free time. Thought I'd come visit," Lisa smiled, sitting next to her friend as she finished up her makeup. "Now, what's the problem?"

"I think she's getting to my head," Jennie sighed. "What should I do?"

"There's only one thing to do," Lisa said.

The two girls made eye contact.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jennie asked, narrowing her eyes.

Lisa smiled. "Hell yeah."

"Jennie! You're on!" Joshua shouted.

Jennie stood from her seat, smoothing out her skirt. "I like the way you think, Lisa."

"Who do you think I get it from?"

Jennie smiled at her friend as she walked out of the door. Joshua lead her to the stage entrance and she walked out.

There were cheers and claps for her as she walked out on stage.


"Jimmy!" Jennie walked over to him, giving him a hug.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you in forever." Jimmy asked as the two sat down.

"I've been great, but I'm sure you already knew that," Jennie smiled.

Jimmy started asking his usual questions about work, and what magazine she's shooting with at the moment, blah blah blah. Afterwards, he finally got to the interesting questions.

"So, Kai..." Jimmy said.

The crowd ooh-ed. Jennie playfully rolled her eyes.

"What about him?" she asked.

"He was on the show earlier this week," Jimmy said. "He spoke of you well, but you could tell he know—"

"Bitter?" Jennie asked. "Yeah, he does that a lot. It's sweet that he spoke well of me."

"We heard that you guys actually came in contact with each other at LA Fashion Week."

Jennie chuckled. "Yeah, let's not talk about that one."

"Moving on, then," Jimmy laughed. "Roseanne Park? Your new girlfriend, right?"

"Something like that," Jennie scoffed.

"She's friends with Lee Taeyong, correct?"

"He's dating her sister, yeah," the model confirmed. "Taeyong's not the biggest fan of me, at the moment."

"Well, I sure wouldn't be okay with my sister-in-law dating the biggest player in the world, either," Jimmy joked.

"Womanizer," Jennie corrected him.

"How's your relationship with Roseanne going?"

"Rosé and I have been going steady," Jennie nodded. "We've had a few arguments here and there—We actually had one recently, but it was pretty silly."

"Oh?" Jimmy asked. "What was it about, if you don't mind me asking?"

"She was texting Kai," Jennie's face went from playful, to serious. "She tried to hide it from me, but I can always tell when she's lying, so I found out."

"Wow," Jimmy said.

"It's okay, though," Jennie smiled. She tried to say her next sentence in the most playful way she could. "She knows what'll happen if I catch her doing it again."

The audience and Jimmy laughed. It worked.

The continued on with the interview, and when she got done, she was met with Joshua backstage.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" he snapped at her.

Jennie chuckled, taking off her mic pack. "Yes," she smirked, handing it to him.

She walked back into her dressing room and Lisa looked at her. Lisa gave the girl a mischievous smile, to which Jennie returned.

Lisa stood up, shaking Jennie's hand. "Good work."

Jennie smiled. "All thanks to you, partner in crime."


a/n: well, well, well...

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