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It was hours later and Taeyong and Jisoo had went into their room to take a nap. Since they were gone, that meant Rosé was stuck in the living room with Joy. Of course, she could go to her room, but it was her house and she wasn't going to let someone make her feel uncomfortable in her house.

So, there they were. In the living room, completely opposite couches, watching reruns of Bring It.

No conversations were happening between the two and the silence was almost suffocating for Rosé. Scratch that; the silence was suffocating for Rosé. It got to the point where she simply could not stand it anymore.

Rosé let out a huge sigh and stood up, walking to the door. She slipped on her vans, grabbed her keys, and grabbed her purse. She was leaving.

"Where are you going?" Joy looked at her.

"Out," Rosé said. "Of course, only if it's okay with you, Mom."

Joy rolled her eyes and Rosé did the same in return. She walked out of the door and decided the go to Melrose, as it was only down the street. She spent about an hour walking in and out of stores, constantly having to stop herself from buying anything, until she felt and arm snake around her waist. The girl instinctively reached for her Mace spray.

"Woah, there," the familiar voice spoke. "It's just me."

"Goodness, Jennie," Rosé pulled out of the girl's grip. "You can't sneak up on me like that. How do you keep finding me?"

Jennie kissed her temple. "You wanna go out for lunch?"

The younger girl looked up at her. "You didn't even say hello."

Jennie smiled. "Hello, Roseanne," she said. "Would you like to go out for lunch?"

"I'll think about it," Rosé said and continued walking.

Jennie grabbed her arm. "I have an event this week. I'd like it if you joined me."

"An event?" the younger girl was a little skeptical.

"You red carpet, music, after parties..?"

"I don't know..."

"It'll be fun," Jennie tried to convince her. "I'll say we're just friends if anyone asks."

Rosé sighed as the girl's hand slid down her arm and interlocked their fingers. "Will it get you off my back?"

"Never," Jennie smiled.

Rosé rolled her eyes and Jennie laughed at her.

"So," she said as they continued walking, "who was that girl last night? Was it your girlfriend? Did you have a girlfriend and not tell me? She looked pretty heartbroken. I thought I was the player—"

"She's an old friend from home," Rosé said.


"Yeah," the younger girl said. "She's a childhood friend."

"Seems like she has a crush on you," Jennie said nonchalantly.

"No," Rosé laughed. "Joy would never in a million years have a crush on me."

"Tell that to the way she looks at you. I know a crush when I see one."

"Whatever, Jennie."

Jennie chuckled, kissing the top of Rosé's head. "Just stating the obvious."

"Oh, please," Rosé rolled her eyes.

"So, about lunch..."

"Do you ever stop pestering?"

"Nope," Jennie said, popping the 'p.'

"Fine, Jennie. I'll go to lunch with you," Rosé finally agreed.

"Great, let's go," the older girl began dragging Rosé along behind her.

Jennie dragged the girl for a while until she pulled her into a nice diner. They sat at a random table and a waitress almost immediately walked up to them.

"I see you're finally back, Jennie," she said, sitting down their silverware and menu's.

"Of course, Elena. I just can't seem to stay away," Jennie smiled.

"And who is this lovely lady sitting across from you?" Elena smiled at Rosé.

"Roseanne," the girl smiled back.

Elena hummed, looking at Jennie. "How long are you gonna keep this one for?"

Rosé scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Maybe you should start doing your job," Jennie gave the waitress a smile.

Elena seemed to be taken aback. "My apologies," she said. "I seemed to have overstepped my boundaries."

"Don't do it again," Jennie said. "Now, go."

The girl nodded and left the two alone. Rosé looked at Jennie.

"I'd like to know as well," she said.

"What would you like to know?" Jennie gave the girl a devilish grin.

"Exactly how long do you plan on keeping me, Ms. Kim?" Rosé asked.

The older girl leaned forward, looking Rosé up and down.

"Well," she licked her lips. "Exactly how long do you plan on staying, Ms. Park?"


a/n: thoughts, comments, and concerns?

thief (chaennie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora