chapter 12

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POV Eliza

( October 11th)
      My alarm starts buzzing I quickly turn it off and slide out of bed, carefully. I pull a mint out of my nightstand and pop it into my mouth. I grab some black and yellow athletic shorts and a grey and yellow t-shirt, and go to the bathroom. I throw my hair into a messy ponytail and get dressed. I leave the bathroom and head to the twins room, to get them up. "Girls get up if you hurry I'll drive you to school." I say in a sweet voice hoping it will wake them up, the both hop out of bed. I chuckle to myself and go grab a pink dress and some matching leggings for Jez. I go back to my room and lightly shake her, she sits up tiredly. I quickly change her and let her lay back down I put on some shoes, and grab a pair of purple sandals for Jez. "You guys ready?" I ask the twins.

     "Yep" Aubrey says as she grabs her bag, Abby gives me a nod as she finishes tying her shoes. I give them a smile and go to grab my bag and Jez, I walk back out and the girls are waiting by the door. I grab my keys and we get in the car, I buckle Jez in and get in. After driving for a bit I feel a huge wave of nausea, I quickly pull over and,go to the grass. After throwing up I get back in the car and start to head to the Junior high. "Sissy are you ok?" Aubrey ask me after a bit.

     "Yes sweetie I'm fine just some food poisoning I think." I say making up an excuse, I grab some mint gum from the counsel next to me. " Can you hand me a ginger ale please?" I ask keeping my eyes on the road. "Hey since we have about half an hour do you guys want something from Dunkin donuts?" I ask them turning onto the main road.

     "Really?" Aubrey ask excitedly as she hands me a ginger ale. I can hear how happy they are.

     "Yeah but you have to know what you want by the time we get there and no caffeine." I say as I stop at a light and look at the they all give me excited nods. "Okay my lovelies what do you want?" I ask a I pull into Dunkin.

     "I want a pineapple coolatta, Abby wants a blueberry one, and Jez wants a strawberry one, pretty please." Aubrey says sweetly, I give a nod and pull up to order

     "Hey can I please get three medium coolatta's, two pineapple, one blueberry, a small strawberry coolatta and 4 glazed donuts, please." I order I pull through paying, I hand the girls their drinks and donut. I pull out of Dunkin and head to their school which was three minutes away. "Bye girls I love you." I say as I drop them off at school and head to drop off Jez. After dropping off Jez I head to school with five minutes to spare. I park in my spot I grab my drink and bag and go to where we hang out. I can't help but laugh when I see Calli in heels, a purple skirt and pink shirt with lace. "Why are you wearing that?" I ask through laughter when I get down there.

     "Because it's not going to fit me soon and I won't be able to wear heels." She says sadly and takes a sip of her tea. "It's one of my favorite outfits and it already barely fits me, plus I have tennis shoes and gene shorts to change into so it's fine." She adds with a shrug.

     I just give her a laugh, when suddenly I feel nauseous again, I quickly go to the trashcan throwing my donut up. I feel soft hands on my back and someone grab my hair. "It's okay baby, your okay." I hear Mikey say softly, I sit up from the trashcan and lean against my boyfriend. I see Calli quickly go to the trashcan infront of me, I take a step back so it doesn't make me throw up again. Chad and Jason quickly rush to her side worried, she leans up slowly.

     "I'm fine just a false alarm." She says leaning against Jason. "You go to the hospital one time and suddenly your fragile." She jokes laughing a little, Jason just staring at her. "Hey Liz can you come with me to change please I think you were right." She says with a small smile.

     "Yeah, sure." I smile giving her a little nod, she smiles and grabs her bag. I give Mikey a little kiss and we head, inside so she can change. "Okay so what's really up?" I ask her as soon as we get to the bathroom.

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