xvi. Museum of Love

Start from the beginning

"What, darling?"

The room began to fade.

"What happened on the mountain? I mean, my friends, are they okay?"

Aphrodite's face dimmed. "Everyone but you, dear,"

Kira woke up with a gasp, which turned into a coughing fit. Piper was beside her in a moment, turning her to the side, helping her breathe.

"Leo?" She croaked. Her mouth was dry. Her arm stung, and she could feel the burning sensation on her legs.

She wanted to tell him how she felt.

"He's alright," Piper reassured her. "He's flying us to Hera,"

"Oh, goo-what?" She yelped, trying to sit up.

"Apparently he can fly helicopters now," Piper said with a shrug. "C'mon, let's get you more ambrosia. We didn't want to risk it until you woke up,"

Piper filled her in, that Hedge was taking her father to safety, and they were directly into danger. They were headed to the Wolf House, where Hera was located.

Kira glanced at her arm, which was heavily bandaged.

"Piper!" Leo called. "Is she up?" 

"Yes, Leo," Piper said, rolling her eyes. She looked at Kira. "He's  been asking every fifteen minutes. 

The helicopter lurched downwards, and Leo's head popped out of the cockpit. 

"Leo!" Piper screamed. "Fly the helicopter!" 

Leo shot her a dazzling smile before disappearing in the cockpit again. 

Jason handed her some ambrosia.

She smiled when she tasted the Wawa Mac and cheese again. 

"What's the plan when we get to the Wolf House?" Kira asked, chewing on the square. 

"You mean when we do?" Piper asked. "You can't be in a fight right now, Kira," 

Kira almost lost her mind. "I have to do this, are you kidding?" 

"You're hurt," Jason told her. "We're only trying to protect you."

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to watch you guys fight and save Hera. This is my quest, too," Kira told them, sitting up slow, as her wound slightly healed. 

Her burns died down, just some discoloration left. Her arm still had the nasty gash, but she was confident she could just use the other arm to hold her sword. 

"Be carful," Piper told her, a sad look in her eyes.

"Yeah, Kira," Jason added. "We can't lose you,"

Kira nodded, putting on a determined face to hide her doubts of her own skills. 

"I can do this," She told them. "I have to," She whispered. 

She must have looked insane. A white, greek dress, with her entire left arm bandaged. She just hoped she still had some of Aphrodite's makeup on to hide her eye bags. 

She wished she had done better at helping defeat the giant, and now was her time to make up for it. 

She got to relax for a solid thirty seconds. 

They hit storm clouds, and were immediately pelted with sleet.  Frost built up around the windows.

"An ice storm?" Piper shouted over the engine and the wind. "Is it supposed to be this cold in Sonoma?"

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