Year 4 - 25

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[A/N: Hi, don't feel obliged to listen to all the songs. It's up to you, I just thought I'd throw some in there to show Cassiopeia's music ability. My favourite's the last song :)]

Draco sat in his dining room, where his parents were arguing. Narcissa's uncle, Alphard Black, was dying and had requested to see Draco one last time.

"Uncle Alphard is fond of Draco, he just wants to see him one last time." Narcissa told her husband.

"But you seem to have forgotten, that he was disowned. Disowned members are not part of the family anymore." Lucius commented. Draco was annoyed, as he actually liked his Great Uncle and wanted to see him before he died.

"Father?" He said.

"Yes Draco?" Lucius asked.

"I feel that it would be negative in the public eye if we ignore Alphard's last wishes, with mother being a Black." He told him.

"I see your point. Alright, you'll meet with your great uncle tomorrow evening." Lucius said.

"Yes, father." Draco replied. "May I make one request?"

"What would that be?" Lucius asked.

"May I bring someone with me?" Draco asked.

"If it is Ms. Reid, then I can't see why not. Just let her know that he will be gravely ill and may die soon, perhaps even when you are there." Lucius replied. Draco nodded and went to the fireplace, to floo over and ask her. When he got to the fireplace and grabbed the powder. "Reid residence." He spoke, he was consumed by green flame and came out into the place he wished- the living room of the Reid Manor. He heard someone scream, he turned to see that he had made a young girl jump.

"Sorry, I'm Draco Malfoy." He told her after realising they had only met when she was a baby, holding out a hand for her to shake.

"Lyra Reid." She said, shaking his hand.

"I'm here to speak with William." She nodded and gestured for him to follow her. He complied.

"How old are you, Lyra?" He asked.

"I'm ten." Lyra replied.

"So, Hogwarts next year then?" He asked her. She nodded energetically. "Are you excited to be going?"

"Yes, I'm really happy." She said.

"I guess you will feel safe, with your sister there to protect you?" Draco asked the young girl. He saw her face light up at the mention of Cassiopeia.

"Yes, I can't wait to be able to see her every single day." She replied. He laughed. "Are you her boyfriend?"

"Yes, I am actually." He replied. "She's told you about me?"

"Of course, she always mentions you. I'm glad you make her happy." She said. They then arrived at the door of William's study. Lyra knocked on the door and William called enter. She opened the door a fraction and looked in.

"Sorry to disturb you, Sir." She said. "But there is someone here to see you."

"Who?" He asked his daughter.

"Draco Malfoy." She replied. He nodded and told her to let him enter. She turned back to him and nodded.

"It was nice meeting you, Lyra." Draco told her, kissing her knuckles.

"You too, Draco." She replied with a giggle, leaving the pair alone. When he entered, they shook hands and William gestured towards a seat.

"How can I help you, Mr. Malfoy?" William asked.

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