Year 3 - 3

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Half an hour later, Rodger and Bridgit returned to the manor, and found Kathryn reading in the study. Rodger went over to his wife and they hugged, and he delivered a kiss on the cheek.

"Rodger." She greeted.

"So, where are my nieces and nephew?" He asked his wife.

"I don't know, last I knew Cassiopeia was going to the twins' room, we'll start there." Kathryn replied. Together the trio made their way through the house.

"Are you nervous to meet them?" Kathryn asked her daughter. Bridgit was 10 years old- meaning she was off to Hogwarts in a year. Bridgit turned to her mother.

"A little." Bridgit replied. "To know that I'll meet the person that will probably look over me at Hogwarts will be weird."

"Cassiopeia is lovely, don't worry." Kathryn assured her. Bridgit nodded. The group continued to walk, talking about Rodger's day at work. As they got to the room, Kathryn quietly opened the door, and smiled at the sight of her family asleep. She looked to Rodger with a smile, which he returned. Rodger wrapped one of his arms around his wife's waist and then other on his daughter's shoulder. He kissed them both on the head.

"I wonder if we'll be like this?" Rodger asked, looking down to his wife's barely swollen stomach.

"Maybe. Don't you think it's cute though?" Kathryn replied. He nodded to his wife. Bridgit brought her mother and father into a hug. There was a sound of apparition behind them, and the group turned to see Macey.

"Dinner is ready, Mistresses, Master." Macy told them.

"Thank you, can you lay the table? We'll be right down." Rodger said to the elf. The elf nodded and disapparated. Kathryn entered the room, and made her way to William and Ara, while Roger took a photo of the kids all asleep and Bridgit stood to the side watching it happening. When William and Ara were woken, Kathryn shushed them and gestured to the four. William and Ara's eyes softened as they saw their children all asleep together. They hugged Bridgit in greeting and then they went towards the kids. William took Phoebe, while Ara took Leo, and they placed them in the cot in the room. Kathryn then went towards the pair and tried to wake Lyra and Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia awoke but Lyra didn't. Cassiopeia looked to see Lyra asleep on her. She leant down and kissed Lyra's head.

"Lele?" Cassiopeia asked softly, and the young girl's eyes opened. She smiled at her sister. "Time for food."

"Carry me." Lyra replied sleepily. Cassiopeia laughed, and she stood from the rocking chair, carrying her sister with her. She carried her sister on her side as the group walked towards the dining room. On the way down Cassiopeia met her uncle Rodger and her cousin Bridgit, and they all began talking about their shared love of Quidditch. As they got to the dining room, they all made their way to the seats. Cassiopeia went to put Lyra down in a seat, but Lyra kept hold of her.

"Lele, you can't eat from my arms." Cassiopeia told her sister.

"I used to." Lyra replied, Cassiopeia looked up to see the adults watching in amusement.

"You can sit with me if you promise to eat your greens." Cassiopeia replied, sending Ara a wink. Knowing that her sister doesn't like to eat her greens, and this would either make her eat them or get her unattached.

"Fine." Lyra replied, letting go of Cassiopeia.

"Thank you." Cassiopeia sang, putting her sister onto the chair next to hers. The group then started to eat their meal telling different stories. They were talking about languages, and Rodger was shocked at Cassiopeia's talent.

"You can speak five languages?" He exclaimed in shock. Cassiopeia nodded with a laugh. "Which ones?"

"French, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian and English." Cassiopeia told him.

"Wow, that's impressive. How are you so good at learning them?" Rodger asked.

"I don't really know, it just seems to come naturally to me. Just like music and drawing." Cassiopeia replied. "I'm still a bit rusty at Bulgarian, my pen-pal is helping me."

"Who's your pen-pal?" Kathryn asked.

"Victor Krum." She replied. Rodger looked at her shocked, and she nodded- telling him he heard correctly. "I know, it was actually a fluke of luck. I was trying to get a gift for my friend, and he loves Quidditch. So, I went to some Quidditch training seminars, and the Bulgarian team was there. I met him and told him that I was trying to learn the language. And we started a friendship, he gave me his address and I gave him mine. We then started writing to each other, seeing each other every now-and-then."

"I wonder whether the twins will take after you." Kathryn asked. "I know Lyra has taken your love of French and the drums."

"She has." Cassiopeia replied, smiling brightly to her sister. "I'm attempting to teach her to draw as well, but that doesn't seem to be happening."

"Because drawing's hard. Music is so much better." Lyra whined, making the adults laugh.

"Are you a good drawer, Cass?" Kathryn asked. Cassiopeia shyly nodded. "Will you draw something for us?"

"Like what?" She asked.

"Anything." Rodger replied.

"What would you prefer a painting or a drawing?" She asked.

"Either's fine." Kathryn said.

"I can do that, I'll get started tomorrow." Cassiopeia replied.

"Not tomorrow." William said, making Cassiopeia look at him. "We are going out tomorrow, you and I." Cassiopeia nodded. For the rest of the evening Cassiopeia and Bridgit got acquainted. Cassiopeia told her all about Hogwarts while Bridgit held onto every word. Bridgit was quickly relaxing in the older teenager's company and was also happy that she'd have a sister-figure at Hogwarts with her.

Together the group then made their way to bed, Cassiopeia left the room as Kathryn and Rodger hugged each other good night- Rodger and William staying up for a bit longer. Cassiopeia watched with a smile, she knew what she was going to draw.


Face claim for Rodger Rosier - Chris Hemsworth

Face claim for Bridget Rosier - Miranda Cosgrove

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Face claim for Bridget Rosier - Miranda Cosgrove

Face claim for Bridget Rosier - Miranda Cosgrove

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