Year 4 - 12

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Everyone was in the room where the Goblet was held, the Goblet flaming in the middle. Cassiopeia was sitting with the other Slytherins. Professor Dumbledore came to stand beside the Goblet in the middle, the other teachers were at one end of the room.

"Settle down. Settle down." Professor Dumbledore called through the hall and everyone quietened. "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, the chamption selection!" He then used his wand and makes the fires dim. He approached the Goblet and stood beside it. He placed his hand on the side, as if saying that he was ready. Everyone watched as the flames turned red and grew, spitting out a name. It floated down into Professor Dumbledore's hand. He grabbed it and read it. "The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" The Durmstrangs cheered and congratulated him, while all the others clapped. Viktor caught eyes with Cassiopeia in the crowd and she gave him a bright smile, which he returned. He walked up to Professor Dumbledore and shook his hand. Then he proceeded to go into the room to the side. The Goblet the turned red again and spat out another piece of paper. The Headmaster caught it and read the name. "The Beauxbatons champion is... Fleur Delacour!" He called out. A beautiful blonde girl stood from the table while her classmates cheered for her and everyone else clapped. She walked to the Professor and shook his hand, then followed Viktor into the side room. All the Hogwarts students were now on the edge of their seats waiting for their champion to be revealed. The Goblet turned red and spat out a name. "The Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory!" Professor Dumbledore announced. Hogwarts students cheered, while Cedric's friends congratulated him. He shook the headmaster's hand and made his way to the other room.

"A hufflepuff." Draco said with distain.

"Be nice." Cassiopeia scolded. He rolled his eyes. Professor Dumbledore then stepped back and addressed everyone.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory! The Tri-Wizard cup!" Professor Dumbledore said, and Barty Crouch pulled the cloth off the cup. The crowd cheered, but then their attention was on the Goblet of Fire that had turned red once again. Everyone looked to it in confusion while Professor Dumbledore walked up to it. It's flames grew and it spat out another piece of paper, which floated into Professor Dumbledore's hand. He read the paper in confusion. "Harry Potter." He said in disbelief. "Harry Potter?" He called. Harry's eyes widened as everyone looked to him, but he didn't move towards the headmaster. "HARRY POTTER!" Professor Dumbledore shouted.

"Go on, Harry!" Hermione demanded. Harry walked through the tables, everyone was watching him with distaste or worry. He took the slip of paper from Professor Dumbledore and made his way into the side room, after Professor McGonagal placed a motherly hand on his shoulder as he passed. Students shouting about him cheating, not being of age. When he went out of the hall, Professor Dumbledore went to dismiss everyone, but the Goblet changed to red once again. Everyone looked in confusion once again. Another slip followed and landed in Professor Dumbledore's hand.

"Cassiopeia Reid." He whispered. "Cassiopeia Reid?" He called. Everyone looked to see the girl in question had gone awfully pale and was shaking. Draco placed a reassuring hand on her back as she stood from the table. She walked to the Headmaster and took the slip from him. She then walked towards the side room, thankfully none of the students were talking bad about her. As she walked past the teachers, Professor McGonagall also placed a hand on her shoulder for reassurance. Cassiopeia nodded in gratitude and then walked into the room Harry had gone into. When she walked down the stairs, the four in the room turned to her.

"Cass?" Viktor asked. Cassiopeia just shakily raised the slip of paper that had sealed her fate.

"You too?" Harry asked. She nodded. There was then loud voices and they turned to see the teachers rushing down the stairs. Professor Dumbledore went straight towards Harry and Cassiopeia, he stood before them both. He put a gentle hand on each of their arms.

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