Chapter Five

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Sophie's POV:

All I could see was darkness. Where the hell am I? Where's Sarah? I couldn't even open my eyes, they were too heavy. Everything seemed heavy. I could hear voices whispering to each other. I so badly wanted to scream my lungs out for someone to help us, but I couldn't open my mouth.

"No, we can't do anything to her! Not yet, anyways." I heard one voice say.

"But, I mean look at her! Just something quick?" I heard a another voice say.

I heard a sound of something getting hit and a loud 'Ow!'

"Bro, calm the fuck down. Wait until they come back." The voice said.

Suddenly, I felt my eyes begin to feel less heavier and slowly began to open them. I heard them bickering, until someone told them to shush.

"Wakie wakie, sleepy head." One with light brown hair said with a smirk. His eyes seem like a light blue under the light. He wore a white T-Shirt with some jeans.

"W-Where am I? Where's Sarah?!" I began to panic when I didn't see her anywhere. I tried get up, but I was chained to the floor. Not liking this, I began to have a panic attack and started pulling on the chains.

"Calm down!"

"Sarah?!" I called even louder.

"Dude, calm her down!"

"How?!" The short one was getting nervous by my actions. I thought they were tougher than that?

"Somebody help me!!" I sobbed out. I just wanted to know where Sarah is and get out of here.

I felt a sting in my right wrist. I winced in pain.

"Oh god, she's bleeding!" Shorty exclaimed.

"Get some fucking towels, you idiots!" Blue eyes yelled at the other two.

I felt dizzy and had to urge to puke. I called for Sarah one last time, before my body collapsed to the floor and everything was slowly fading away.

"We're losing her!!" I heard a deep voice shout.

Everything went dark.


"How the hell did you guys let this happen?!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

"S-She was screaming for that girls name and started pulling hard." A deep voice spoke.

"She's waking up!" I heard, who I believe was shorty, said.

I opened my eyes, trying to block out the light shining over my eyes. I quickly sat up and felt scared. Around me were a group of men, one in particular catching my attention. He had Sarah in his arms, and she was unconscious. I was going to yell, when he lifted his finger to his lips and shushed me.

"Wouldn't want to strain your voice, now would we?" He said.

He turned back to the others and shouted at them. "He wants her to be a lone. He doesn't want anyone here when he gets back, besides her. Got it?"

They all nodded and left towards the exit, leaving me a lone.

Where were they taking Sarah? Why couldn't they leave her with me? What is going on?

I pulled on the chains again, pain spreading across my right arm. That's right, I hurt it trying to break free. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, more after. Do my parents even know I'm missing? Are they even home yet? By the light shining through the small window, I doubt it.

Learn to Forget you. (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now