Chapter Thirty

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Changed the ending since I didn't think what I wrote was any good.

P.S. Yes, There is a plot twist.


Carter's POV:

It's been almost a year since Sophie's death, and I'm still recovering from it. I thought I should just give up on the whole 'Bad Boy' image and went back to being my old self. I've visited my mom a few times this year. I've learned that she doesn't work as an accountant anymore and has a part-time job at Publix.

I told her about Nora and Sophie-how I lost them because of being 'Carter'. She told me it was not my fault for losing them, that I was just lost. This is what I needed; someone to make me feel like I haven't done anything wrong, someone who loves me.

I gave up on the dream of becoming a famous singer-well, not entirely. There's still some hope somewhere in my heart.

Me, Henry, Sarah and AC every month went to visit Sophie's grave. She was buried next to her parents and grandparents, which she most likely is glad to have been. We didn't get to to the burial—only Henry did. When we were at the hospital—everyone including The fucking Reapers—and we were informed that Sophie had not made it, the doctor asked to speak with Henry in private.

They didn't even let me see her body one last time. . .

The guys and I have gotten a long with Henry. We looked pass the fact that his brother is the reason for Sophie running away again and getting kidnapped, later on leading to her death. We've come to realize he was an innocent by stander, just like Sophie insisted to me.

See. She's all I think about now. Although I've only known her for a few months, I felt so drawn to her. The memories of me secretly sneaking into her house while her and her parents were asleep just to cuddle with her. She was oblivious to the fact. I always left from her house at four thirty in the morning.

Today, only me and my mom went to visit Sophie's grave. You're probably wondering why I don't visit Nora's grave. Well, the reason behind this is because she's buried in San Antonio, Texas-where I met her.

I set the white roses down on the ground, a few inches away from her gravestone. It read: 'Sophie Perez. Loving daughter, niece, and friend. Shall she always watch over us from the sky and protect us from any danger. R.I.P'.

I stared at the gravestone. My face felt sticky from the tears that I've shed. I felt the comforting hand of my mom rest on my shoulder.

"She's watching over you, you know. So is your father." She told me.

"I know." I said. I sniffled my nose and wiped a few tears away. "I just wish it didn't have to end this way." My voice trembled.

"Oh, Austin." My mom says, embracing me in a hug. "I wish there was something I could do to make you feel less grief." Mom whispers.

"There's nothing you can do. I can never forget Sophie. I-I love her." I say, sounding a little angry. I've always loved her, I just never got to tell her.

And I hate myself for it.

"Oh, Austin." She sighs.

She told me its best if we left to grab something to eat. I kneel down in front of Sophie's gravestone and plant a kiss to her name. Mom rests her hand on my lower back and led me to her car. She knew I would end up like this, so she suggested she drive.

As I stare out the window, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled out my IPhone 6 plus and stare at the screen. It was Dan face timing me. I swipe the 'accept' button and lift the phone up to my face where I saw Dan and Mark.

"Hey, bro." Mark Greets. He notices my watery eyes and frowns. They know I always visit Sophie's grave and end up returning home looking like a mess.

"You want to talk about it?" Dan asks.

"No." I say bluntly.

"Come on, Austin. You can't shield us out of your life forever. Look, where are you headed?" Dan asks.

"Denny's!" My mom says.

"Your mom's with you?" Mark asks.

I nod my head and turn my phone towards my mom.

"Hi Mrs. Mahone!" They both greet.

"Hi boys. Would you be joining us at Denny's?" My mom asks.

"Well, if it's okay with Austin?" Dan says.

Mom looked at me and raised a brow. "Yeah sure." I says.

They end the call to get ready. We drove to their house to pick them up. They're sharing an apartment together since they go to the same college, along with Jeremy. Me, AC, Zach, and Robert go to the same college together.

As we wait in the parking for them, a girl on a bike passes by our car. She had the same features as Sophie: Brown hair, seems to be 5'6, almost identical face. Or maybe I'm just seeing things.

I snap my head towards the back of the car at the sound of the door being opened. As they buckled their seatbelt, Dan looks out the window and notices the girl locking her bike. She turned her head towards our car and stared at it. By the looks of it, she had green eyes.

"Hey, Austin?" Dan calls.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"I know this is a tough subject, but doesn't that girl look exactly like Sophie, but with green eyes instead of brown?" He asks.

So he sees it too?

I stared at the girl for a moment. We made eye contact and I swear I thought I saw recognition in her eyes.

"Wait here," I say, getting of the the car.

"Austin!" My mom calls.

I ignore her and start walking towards the girl. She noticed me coming and started walking fast towards the stairs.

When she almost reaches the top of the stairs, I call out that name I never thought I would ever call again.

"Sophie?" I shout.

She stops.

She slowly turned her head and stares at me with such sad eyes. Just as I step foot on the first step, she took a step back.

I stop.

Why is she acting so scared? I would never hurt her.

She took two steps up the stairs backwards and turned towards the apartment door by the stairs.

Just like that, she was gone.

So many questions running through my head. I felt a presence beside me, two actual. Dan and Mark look at me with sympathy.

I stare at her apartment door one last time.

Sophie's a live. . .but she doesn't want anything to do with me.

[To be Continued. . .]

So. You know how you didn't want her dead? Well, I changed the ending and made her a live. But, she ran away from Austin :'(

So, I was thinking if whether I should make a sequel or not. If I did, would you read it?

Can we get this more than 6 votes?

With much love,


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