Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sophie's POV:

My stomach was tossing and turning, my nerves taking over. I can't believe he's here. . .just a few feet away. I wanted to run over there and hug him, but someone pulled me back.


Ben had shot his gun at the waiter that was just standing by Carter. He missed aimed. The others pulled out their guns; the Crew doing the same. Someone was pulling me back. I looked behind me and saw Henry with a worried expression. "We need to leave!" He said, pulling me towards the back door. I looked back at Carter and the others, shooting at one another. Carter shot Liam in the arm.

"Liam!" I shouted, trying to break free from Henry's grasp to go help him. But, I was weak compared to him.

"Sophie! We have to go, now!" He said, a little harshly. I didn't fight back and let him pulled me out the exit. I looked back, hoping that Liam is okay and no one else gets hurt.

I looked forward again and continued to run with Henry. "Where are we headed, exactly?" I said, panting.

We heard a gun shot and increase our speed. "Anywhere far away from here." He shouted. He looked to his side. "Follow me!" He instructed. I followed as he ran towards a store. We ran inside. . .The cool air hit me in the face, refreshing me. Henry grabbed my wrist and pulled me further into the store. "Okay, I think we're safe in here." He said, breathing harshly from the run.

"Think again." I heard his familiar voice. I slowly looked back at Carter. My eyes filled with tears. I didn't hesitate and ran towards him. He opened his arms, letting me run into them.

"Carter." I sobbed into his chest.

"I finally found you." He said. He pulled away a little and grabbed my face. He didn't hesitate to smash his lips onto mines. . .kissing me with such force. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. We were interrupted by Henry coughing awkwardly. Carter met his gaze and growled. "You!" He spat.

He let go of me and started walking towards Henry, pointing his gun at him. "Carter, no!" I shouted, trying to pull him back.

"You were in on this, you little brat." Carter growled. "You better not have touched her!" He added.

"Carter, stop. He didn't do anything! He was an innocent by stander, like me! It was all Fred!" I tried to explain to him, but he was ignoring me.

"I swear I didn't do anything to her. I'm not like my brother, I wouldn't take advantage of her." Henry said, backing away from Carter.

"Bullshit. You and your shit head of a brother are exactly a like." Carter spat.

Henry's face turned red from anger. "Me and him aren't exactly alike! I just fucking look like him!" Henry snapped. "And don't you call him that. He was all I had, and now thanks to fucking Ben...I'm fucking a lone." He said the last part low.

Carter didn't say anything, just breathing harshly. I went beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Carter...please." I begged. He looked at me then at Henry, not really sure of what to do. I carefully placed my hand on the hand with the gun and slowly lowered it. "He didn't do anything to me, I promise." I reassured. I know not to mention the fact that Henry kissed me twice; he would go mad.

"Come on." He grabbed my wrist. "We're leaving." He said. He turned towards Henry and sighed. "He could come too. But if he tries anything, I swear I'll-"

"He won't. But, I just can't leave the others like that. They're innocent as well." I said.

"Innocent?" He chuckled dryly. "Those fucking bastards are no where near innocent." He spat.

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