Chapter Three

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Sophie's POV:

Music blasting was the first thing I noticed when I regained consciousness.

This doesn't seem like my room. . .

I looked at my surroundings to see if there was any sort of clue to as to where I could possibly be.

Radio, car wheel, passenger seat, creepy guy driving,-

Wait a minute...

I looked to my left side again, but very slowly. The guy was looking head at the road, humming along to the music. He still wore those sunglasses, and I was dying to know what color are his eyes. I don't know why I care to know what color his eyes might be—he kidnapped me for crying out loud!

He must have notice I was staring, because his head turned in my direction. The annoying, disgusting smirk was plastered on his face again, making me want to puke.

"Look who finally woke up. Get some sleep?" He asked, sarcastically. I sent him my best death glare, but he only laughed. "Well, you're gonna need it." He said, looking back at the road.

"Wh-What do y-you mean?" I asked, voice coming out in a low whisper.

"No need to worry, sweetheart. All you need to do is listen to everything I say, got it?" He said, with all seriousness in his voice. I slowly nodded my head and laid back, staring out the window. It was still dark out, making me wonder what time it is.

I dug my hands in my pockets to reach for my phone, but I felt it no where. I looked below where my feet were, both sides of me, and in my sweater pockets. I found nothing. Maybe I dropped it when he was basically about to rape me?

"Looking for something?" He said with my phone dangling between his fingers. I went to reach over and grab it, when he pulled out a hand and stopped me. "Uh-uh." He took out his gun. "Sit back down." He demanded.

I obeyed and sat back down in my seat. "Can you at least tell me what time it is?" I said in a low voice.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I want to know what time it is." I snapped. He clenched his jaw and tighten his grip on the wheel, his knuckles turning white.

With no knowing of the time, I stared out the window again. We weren't to far away from my home, but it was still too far for me to run all this. Up ahead, I saw a big Wal-Mart sign. He drove into the parking lot and parked by the entrance.

He quickly took off his seatbelt. I mimic his actions and unbuckle my seatbelt. I hadn't realized how tight he had them in me, until I coughed multiple times for air.

"Get out." I jumped at his suddenness and authority in his tone of voice.

I didn't hesitate to get out the car, ready to make a run for it. But, he grabbed my arm and pushed me to his car. I winced at the sudden contact.

He went to my ear and growled, "Try anything, and I won't hesitate to take out my gun again."

He let go of me and motioned for me to follow him. I did so, entering the gigantic store. Barely anyone was here. There was a security guy flirting with one of the cashier ladies. I would call for him to help me, but the thought of the guy with his gun pointed to my head made me decide against it.

We stopped by the men's department. He turned around to face me.

"Go get a few clothes and underwear, and meet me here." He instructed and walked away, searching through the piles of clothes.

I took small steps towards the girl's department, stopping when I saw someone. I held myself back from doing a happy dance when I saw it was Sarah and her mom.

"Sarah!" I called, voice still sounding low. I called again and luckily, she heard me. I ran towards her with tears forming in my eyes. I embraced her in a bone crushing hug, laughing while tears fall down my face.

"Sarah, thank god! You're my lifesaver." I breathed out. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"What happened to you? You look like a mess." She pointed out.

I wiped away a few tears, remembering the guy is expecting me to meet up with him very soon.

"Are you guys just leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah, we came for a bottle of milk." She said.

"Do you mind if you can take me home?" I asked, hopeful.

"Sure, but why are you here?" She asked me. I came up with lie about my parents leaving me here by accident. Her mom clapped her hands together, bringing our attention to her.

"Well, I think it's best if we go now." She said.

Before leaving, I hesitantly looked back to see if I saw the creepy guy. Relief spread through me when I saw he was still looking for clothes in the distance.

"Soph, come on!" Sarah called from the exit. One last look, and I ran towards the exit and joined them.


Yes, I know it's kind of short, but bare with me. I'm editing EVERY chapter, which is tiring.

Anyways, what do you think is going to happen next? Will he notice she's gone and find her? Im changing things up a little bit, so everything would make sense.

Don't forget to check out my other works and vote!

Follow me on Instagram: mahoneimagines14
I've been loosing followers, so don't hesitate to follow!

With much love,


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