"Honestly Amber, we're happy for you. Just hopefully he's not a dick like Jax" Han says while hugging me.
"What do you mean dick like Jax"
Uh oh. I knew that voice. In fact I knew that voice too well. I turn round to see Jax stood there and he didn't look impressed.
"Just leave it yeah" Lucas says while standing in front of Han and I
"Nah nah what has Amber been saying?"
I push Lucas out of the way and stand face to face with Jax.
"I haven't said anything but the truth."
"Ballshit, then how am I dick?"
"That's just her opinion and she's allowed to have it."
"It's you. You've been putting things in their heads"
"Why do you even care?? Like go away."
"I care about the truth. That is not the truth"
"Listen, what are you even achieving here?" Jas butts in.
"Don't get involved."
"She can get involved with whatever. I just don't understand you. You act like I don't exist to everyone else but in front of my friends here you are trying to get the 'truth' tf does that even mean?"
He doesn't say anything.
"Nothing to say? Thought not."
"Fuck this shit" he shouts while storming off. Lucas pulls us all in for a hug.

"I love you guys" I whisper.
"We love you too"

The rest of the night I just spend with my friends. I don't need to deal with any more boy drama. I'm young, single and just here to have a good time.
Jasmine manages to get with Josh's Bestfriend EJ and honestly they look sexy together. Much better than her and Max. Hanna was all over Ben and well me and Lucas were making stupid jokes all night.

"Get the hell off me" I hear being screamed from the living room, so we run and check it out... yet again it was Jax causing trouble.

"I swear if you don't get off me"
"What's going on?" I interrupt.
"He's too drunk, I'm kicking him out."
"Wait I thought he didn't drink" I hear Lucas whisper.
"He doesn't" I reply.
"Does anyone know where he lives?" Josh asks.
"He lives with me. I've got this" I say while placing Jax arm around my shoulder. Lucas runs up and grabs the other one.
"What do you mean he lives with you??" Josh asks
"I'll explain tomorrow"
"No she won't, she ain't seeing you again. You shit talking asshole" Jax slurs.
"That's enough Jax. SHUTUP. Josh just leave it"

Lucas helps me carry Jax out to his car. Luckily Lucas hasn't been drinking and can drive us home without me having to call my mum and dad.

"Lucas your shit at driving"
"I swear to god Jax if you don't SHUTUP I'm going to open the door and throw you out" I'm joking obviously. But it seemed to work.

He didn't answer. We arrived back to ours and Lucas helped me carry him into his room, before hugging me goodbye and wishing me luck.

"Jax what have you done? I thought you didn't drink?"
"And I thought you didn't go round sleeping with guys. I guess we're both doing things we don't usually do tonight... I just, you know, me being your first it was special and he doesn't deserve it"
What does he even mean? I want to scream in his face and say how special he made me feel that night and how amazing it felt and that I had been waiting for him my whole life but I couldn't, he wouldn't understand. Let's change the subject.
"Let me get you undressed."
"You know I like it when you get me undressed"
"It happened once. Chill out."

I pulled his top and jeans off and left him in his boxers. His clothes were soaking wet from all the alcohol he had spilt on himself. I sit down next to him on the bed with my head in my hands.

"I fucked up. Again... listen I don't even know what to say and to be completely honest I can't even think of words right now. Just know I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything back but just hear that I am."

"Why did you do it? Why did you get drunk when you don't drink? Why ask a billion questions to my friends? How did you even find out about Josh?"

"I was jealous." He mumbles

"You was what??" Was I hearing correctly?

"You being with Josh all night started with me being annoyed so when I hear ur friend say that, I was like so how am I a dick and he's not? So I was already pissed from that and then Josh came down boasting to me about everything that had just happened so I got wasted."

"Why would Josh tell you?"

"Coz he knew it would piss me off. Coz he's a wanker"

I laugh.

"I haven't seen you smile in forever." He smiles

Oh shit. I said it. Nonono take that back, take that back. Must just be where I'm drunk. Yeah that explains it.

"Stay with me tonight?" He asks
"No way. I don't think it's a good idea."
"Why not? I might throw up in the night and I'll need someone there to make sure I'm still alive"
"You're so annoying" I say while laying next to him.
"And that's why you love me" he mumbles under his breath.
What the...
"No I do not."
"That's why I love you" he slurs.
"Sorry what?"
He's passed out. Did he actually just say that? Then pass out? We are the most toxic pair I've ever known to man. Hearing him say he loved me though, I've never felt butterflies like it. I lit up and I was all giddy. I know it was just the drink talking, but it felt nice. We'd face this problem tomorrow, when we were both sober. Actually take that back we'll probably not talk all day and then either argue or act like nothing happened. I wouldn't have it any other way :/

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