• Chapter 4 •

Start from the beginning

A few minutes late Jim and I were climbing into one of the big barrels in the galley. We had grown a bit since the last time we did this, so it was a little cramped but it was still fine.

"Couldn't think of anywhere better?" Jim asked.

"Well i'm sorry" I said sarcastically. "Unless you have a better idea, this worked last time."

"Whatever." He sighed.

We sat in awkward silence waiting for the pirates to come down into the galley. Jim was sitting with his arms crossed and brows furrowed.

"(Y/n), why have you been ignoring me and avoiding me?" Jim said quickly out of nowhere.

"Ha. You don't know?" I asked, how did he not realise what an idiot he was being.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.

I was sad that he didn't know, "Jim, you've been being sort of mean to me lately. Even if it's not directly. You make it seem like your so much better than me, and you're being so overly-confident." I sighed.

"(Y/n) I wasn't trying to be-"

"Shh, they're coming." I interrupted.

We sat and watched as the pirates piled into the galley. They all sat around on the benches, I thought they'd be eating dinner but they were mostly just drinking. The smell of beer and tobacco filled the air.

Jim and I sat and listened closely trying to gather information. No one said anything about why they wanted this ship, but I did notice something. The pirate from earlier with the gravelly voice, he seemed to be picking on someone. The kid he was picking on was human, probably around the same age as  myself and Jim, if not just a little older. He was tall enough and had golden short hair.

"You don't have the right to speak against me, cabin boy." He growled.

"Please don't do this Growler, I didn't mean to I swear." The young boy replied, clearly scared.

"You're lucky that you're Crafty's boy, after all he's the only reason your here." Growler said.

The boy that Growler was picking on ran outside. It gave me an idea, my idea was just resting on the hope that the boy would be washing the dishes after, Growler called him a cabin boy and that's sort of the cabin boys job.

Jim and I had to wait until everyone left and as soon and they did we ran back up the stairs to B.E.N. in the supply closet.

"Did you get anything?" I asked Jim.

"No one said anything about what their mission is." He said irritated.

"Yeah I didn't get anything either." I said.

"Oh no no no...What are we gonna do?!" B.E.N. said, growing more worried about our situation.

"Don't worry, I have another idea." I said smugly.

I explained to them about the boy I saw being teased, they were confused at first but I continued to tell them about how he clearly doesn't have a great life with these pirates. If were to give him something, he might consider helping up.

(A/n) I made up the character Growler completely so here's an extremely quick sketch I made of what he might look like. I also kind of imagine him with a cockney accent but it can be whatever you want.

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