familiarity pt. 3

Start from the beginning

Annie broke away from his embrace just  seconds after. "alright then," Asher said. "lets leave the ladies to get their tan on." he threw his arm over John's bare shoulder, leading him  away to the ocean.

"holy shit!" Annie exclaimed. "did you see the way he was eyeing you?"

I tried acting confused but it didn't seem too convincing. "I- uh, no?" she grabbed my hand, pulling me down to sit on our towels.

she shook her head and handed me some expensive looking tanning lotion. "y/n, Johnny was totally drooling."

trust me, I know. I thought to myself but let a small smile play on my lips. how were we to keep this low-key when he's so obvious with everything he does? not to say that I didn't  enjoy his attention. "you think so?" I played along with our secret.

Annie nodded frantically, reaching into a  cooler I hadn't noticed before and pulling out a drink. "hell yeah." she took a sip. "that was super crazy, you guys matched totally  unknowingly."

she looked like she was really trying to make sense of it, while I applied some of the lotion to my skin. would this thing between me and John make sense to anyone besides us? maybe others in our situation, though I doubt we'll ever meet others as lucky as us. "just a coincidence, I guess." I shrugged.

"hmm, sounds like fate to me." she said in a  sing-song voice and a laugh left my mouth. partly from nerves and partly trying to act like I didn't give her idea too much thought.

we both got comfortable, laying down  on our towels. there was small talk between us, and my almost constant glancing at John wrestling and swimming with Asher in the water. in all  honesty I couldn't help myself, it was like an urge in the back of my mind wanting to know that he was there. that he was somewhere close, and that he was happy.


after thirty or forty minutes Annie lifted the heart-shaped sunglasses that covered her eyes, looking over at me. "y/n, you can stop looking at him every other second. he's not gonna  disappear." she jokes.

but I physically can't, I wanted to tell her. "what? no," I denied. "i-i'm just looking for dolphins." it sounded like more of a question as it came out of my mouth.

"yeah okay," she shakes her head. "unless  theres dolphins on John's body, that was a lie." I groan, lying back again and ignoring her statement. "I couldn't help but notice how close  you and Johnny have gotten after meeting less than twenty-four hours ago. so tell me, whats going on between you guys?"

I bit my lip sparing a glance at her, seeing  she's not looking at me. "we're just- uh talking. like its not official." I paused for a moment. "we don't know each other too well and we don't wanna just jump into it. but I really like him and I think he really likes me." think? I know.

my stomach filled with butterflies just thinking about the events of this morning. how sweet he was and the way he made me feel just by holding my hand or tracing circles on my back. 

"well, i'm so happy you found someone. i'm  also happy that pretty soon me, you and f/n will be able to go on triple dates." Annie clapped a little. "doesn't that sound exciting?"

a chuckle left my mouth. "so exciting, Anns." I turned to lay on my stomach so that my backside could get some sun- and maybe, possibly, probably not get my mind off John for a second or two.


i'd lost track of time with my face hidden in my arms. but the second I was about to drift off into sleep I sat up, reaching for the waters in my bag. surprisingly they were still cold, so I twisted the cap off and took a swig.

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