Chapter 13

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The gang was going to split up but they didn't. They decided to say together. Barb was feeling more confident now that Poppy cheered her up. "*Yawns* Hey. Where are we at?" Tiny said. "We're walking to fine your aunt's crazy ex" Trollex said. "Well, I wouldn't call him crazy, I'll cal-" Poppy was cut off by everybody saying "He's crazy". "I don't know him well enough to know he's crazy, but I'mma agree with everybody" Barb said. The others agreed. Poppy groaned and walked to Branch. "Oh well I'mma stay in here, and stay till my body moves" Tiny said, going back in his father's mane. Branch chuckled. "You know Poppy, they're right". "Yeah, I know, but I'm taking your word Branch. And I know I'm going to be safe with you by my side all the time" Poppy flirted. Branch puts his arm around her, she chuckles. Poppy blushes and looks away. Branch kisses her cheek, to her neck. "Branch, not now" Poppy whispered. "Why not?" Branch asked cutely, but whispered. "The guys are right behind us and I'm not going to Do It in front of them" Poppy whispered back. Branch puts his hand down and groans. "Hey lovebirds? You do realize we can hear you and see you?" Barb said with sass, and walked towards them. "Oh" Broppy said. They both nervously chuckle. "When we go back home, you two can have all the alone time you want. But now, we need to fine Creep" Barb said. "Creek" Poppy corrected. "Don't care, we need to fine him 'cause I'm not going to lose Poppy, girl, you're like a sister to me" Barb told Poppy. Poppy was shocked at Barb's words but knew she was telling the truth. "Wow, Thanks, never thought I would hear that come out of you" Poppy said. Barb smiles and rolls her eyes. They both hugged. "Pops, Barb, I'm right here you know" Branch said. "We know" They look at Branch.

They all kept walking, but they seen a cave with a light on the inside. They moved closer. They hear someone in the cave that sounded like a male's voice. Poppy, Barb and Branch look at each other. The 3 move closer. They see that it's Creek's inside. The 3 sneaked in, while the others just sit there doing nothing but talking. The 3 move slowly not to make a sound. But, of course they were going to make a noise. "What was that?" Creek said, getting a stick moving closer to where the sound was coming from. Barb, Poppy and Branch started moving for him not to see them. "Come out now!?" He demanded. But a frog was that only thing that came out. "Ribbit" The frog replied and leaping away. Creek put the stick down and Sighed. Barb looked to the corner to see if Creek is still there. And moved back to Branch and Poppy but Poppy was held by Creek and Branch knocked out. Poppy had her hand tied behind her back, her feet tied as well and had and piece of duct tape over her mouth . "Wha-how did you-hey let her go" Barb got frightened. Creek put Poppy down and moved to Barb. Barb tried to run but was stopped by Creek. "Hey, let me go! Let me go!" Barb yelled. Barb screamed for help for the others to hear her, but nothing happened. Creek took the 2 girls away.

It was 23 minutes later, and Branch woke up.
('Cause Creek can't fight) And found that Poppy or Barb weren't there. "Poppy? Barb?" Branch called. Their was no response. He went outside to find the others. "Hey guys, did Poppy and Barb come out here a few minutes ago?" Branch asked. "No I thought they're with you?" Trollex said. "Oh no, could Creek have tookin' them" Essence said worried. "I think so" Branch said, with a bit of anger in his voice. "He took my Poppy!?! He's gonna pay for that! And the fact that she's pregnant too! Oh yeah, and Barb" Branch said, clenching his hands into a fist. D puts his paw on his shoulder. They all start looking for Poppy and Barb. "Poppy, Barb, where are you" Trollex said. "I wanna help find Aunt Poppy, and that other one, but mostly Aunt Poppy. She's the closest troll I have to a mom" Tiny said, peaking out his dads' hair. "Aww" Wani cooed. "We will find her, Tiny" Branch said. "You sure, 'cause I seen another cave back there" Tiny gestures his little fingers to the back. They all stopped. "Tiny, we could have use that information a while ago" Branch said, face palming and walking back. Tiny shrug his shoulders. They all follow him.

(With Barb and Poppy)

Creek dragged Poppy and Barb in to a corner. They hit the wall. "Ow" Barb whimpered, while rubbing her head. Creek takes the duck tape out of Poppy's mouth. "Ow!" Poppy whimpered, while rubbing under her nose, then her belly. "Creek why are you doing this? What did we do to you?" Poppy asked. Barb holds her hand. "Why I'm doing this is because I deserve you and you're now dating Branch! Unbelievable" Creek shouted. "Um-she's married to him" Barb said. "Even worse!" Creek said. "And I'm pregnant too" Poppy said, trying to sit up straight. "What!?!" Creek yelled, walking back and forth. "I don't think that's working, Pop, I think you made it worse" Barb whispered. "Yeah, I realized that now" Poppy whispered looking down. Creek then took Poppy to a different side of the cave for Barb not to see her. "Hey! Where are you taking her! Hey-Poppy you'll be fine, don't worry, Branch and the others will come!" Barb shouted for Poppy to hear her.

Creek took Poppy and put her on the floor. He got scissors and started to cut her dress open. "Creek, you don't wanna do this. Please, I'm begging you, don't do this?!" Poppy cried. But he ignored her. Creek moved her legs to a position he can use her. Poppy kept crying, "Please Creek, what you want from me". "What I want is for you to be quiet!" Creek scolded. Poppy cried lower. He took off his pants and her underwear and put his small manly stick inside her. Poppy whimpered. (Pretend she's 7 months old) When Creek finished, he seen blood on the floor. He panicked and put his pants back on and ran off, somewhere.

(With Barb)

Barb fell asleep, since there was nothing else to do. But she heard a noise from the outside. "Hey is anyone out there? I'm in here!" She yelled. The gang hears her and runs. The others popped their head inside and seen Barb. They run in. "Barb, what happened?" Branch asked. "Oh, I'm fine, can you guys find Poppy, he took her somewhere?!" Barb said. Cooper and D untied her. "Do you know where exactly?" Branch asked. "Uh, over there" Barb pointed to a area in the back. Branch runs to find Poppy. "Poppy!" Branch sees Poppy laying on the floor unconscious. "Oh god" He sees the blood on the floor. Branch carries Poppy out and runs to the Pop Village hospital. The others follow. "Help, Poppy's been hurt" Branch told the receptionist. She calls for doctors. Branch puts Poppy on the bed. And they roll her way.

"Branch, bro, chill and sit down. She's going to be okay" Barb told Branch. "Chill? I can't chill or sit down till I know Poppy's okay. "Branch, son, you have to be patient" Peppy said. "You're her dad. You have to agree with me on this?" Branch asked Peppy. "Well, I know Poppy's a strong women, she's going to be fine, Branch" Peppy said. Branch takes a deep breath and sits next to Barb who is worried too. Branch rested his head on the wall.

The gang and Poppy's dad was waiting for an hour. Till the doctor came through the door. Barb, Branch and Peppy walk towards the doctor. "So. How's she doing?" Barb asked. "Well, I'm sorry she didn't make it..." The doctor said.


Wait did Poppy...😢
Bye, Broppy lovers!


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