Chapter 12

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Poppy and Branch woke up from hearing a noise. They both went to explore where the noise was coming from and it was from the troll prison. They seen some prison workers on the floor, they thought a prisoner has escaped, and oh boy they were right. But not any prisoner, the new one they just had put in there. Creek. "Oh trolly moly, this is not good" Poppy said in shocked, she put her hand up to her mouth and started to cry. Branch looks at Poppy and hugs her. "It's ok, Poppy, we'll find him" Poppy berries her head in his chest. Branch holds her shoulders and said, "Poppy, babe, look at me..." He started. Poppy looks at him. "We will find him, but now you need to go home a stay there, we can't risk you or the baby getting hurt" He continued, putting his hands down to her arm to comfort her. She smiled then frowned. "Branch, we can't do that, I need to go with you, plus I'm the one who ends up fighting" Poppy explained. "What?" Branch raised an eyebrow. "Nothing, I have to go with you!" Poppy argued. "Poppy, let's not argue about this. Go home and stay there. Some one from the pack will come with me" Branch said. Poppy sighed in defeat. "Okay, but in one condition..." Poppy said. "And that is?" Branch asked. "Barb stays with me, and the girls" Poppy said. Branch look at Poppy in the eye. "Ok, so the boys come with me and you stay with the girls?" Branch asked. "Yes" Poppy conformed. "Okay" Branch said.

Barb, and the girls are in Poppy's Pod. Barb is pacing back and forth. "So let me get this straight, your ex is running free somewhere and you're in danger. Pop-squeak, you could have gotten hurt if you went with Branch" Barb said. "I have to say she's right Poppy. If you went with Branch, you could have ended up in the hospital" Essence said. "You guys are overreacting, I'm fine, I'm here with you guys, I'm alive" Poppy said. "You darn tuten you are. I like your ideas Poppy, but your mans' is right you have to stay here where it is safe" Delta said. "But is she really safe here?" Barb said. They all look at her. "I mean, he can come to Pop Village and take Poppy when we're sleeping" Barb said. They look at Barb then Poppy to see her with her legs in her face rocking back and forth. "It's okay, Poppy he's not going to come" Essence comforted her. Barb rolled her eyes. "You don't know that" Poppy said, getting up. "He can still be out there, watching, waiting, listening". "I have no words" Barb said.

The boys and Branch are walking in the woods. "How far do we need to go?" Tiny asked, coming out Guy's hair. "Tiny!" They all said. "Your not supposed to be here Tiny" GD said. "Ah, it's boring with the other kids and I need some fun so I came with ya" Tiny said. "Defined 'Fun' ?" Riff asked. "Yo, lil hat, that's my business, you need to get a better education if you don't know what 'Fun' means" Tiny said. "What?" Riff answered. "Wow, este pequeño es luchador, no?" Tresillo said. "What noodle hair said?" Tiny asked. "Que?" Tresillo said. "Noodle hair?!". "Guy, don't you think it's time for Tiny to rest?" Biggie asked. "You're right" GD said, pushing Tiny in his hair. "Hey!" Tiny said from inside. "Why is he so grumpy?" Riff asked Guy. "I don't know" GD answered. "Hey, lil hat, I need peace and quiet to sleep" Tiny said, from inside his dad's hair. "Okay, no need to be rude or something" Riff said. "Quiet!" Tiny yelled. "Boys, look" Trollex said. They all look to see fire set near them. They go to a bush. "Guys, be quiet" Branch said. They all look to the fire to see if anybody will come out. They waited and waited and waited till they heard a noise. They got up from laying on the floor. What they thought was Creek was not at all it was the girls. "Poppy?" Branch said. "Branch!" Poppy said. They hugged. "What are you doing here I pacifically told you to stay home and you do the opposite. Really" Branch said. "She can be very persuasive" Barb cut in. "I know" Branch agreed. Poppy smiled. "What are you guys doing here?" Trollex asked. "We came 'cause of Poppy begging to come and we wanted to" Barb explained. They talked till they heard something coming out the bushes. "What's that?" Poppy asked. They all moved to the bush again, to see Creek with leafs. "Ooo, let me at him!?" Barb said getting in to fight mode. But Riff holds her down. "They'll be no fighting..." Poppy started. "Oh man" Barb said walking away. Riff goes to her, and sits next to her. " Don't worry Barb, you'll have your fighting chance one of these days" He looks at her in the eye. Barb looks at him and leans in. "...Don't look at me in the eye..." Barb said. "Yes, ma'am" Riff saluted. Poppy sees Riff and Barb talking and smiled. She taps Branch's shoulder and points to Barb and Riff. He smirks. "They'll make a cute couple" Poppy said. "I don't know, I have this feeling I don't want her to be with him" Branch said. Poppy looks at Branch "Don't tell me you like her?" She got a little mad. "What? No, of course I like Barb, but not in that way. I love you Poppy" Branch told her and kissed her passionately. The gang looks at them. "This is why we can't have couples in a friend group together. They'll end up makin' out" Delta said. They laugh. Poppy and Branch break the kiss and smiled. Barb interrupts them. "Umm guys, let's not make out on 'Trying to put a criminal back' plan". They roll their eyes. They all huddle into a circle. "So first is first, we go over there without getting spotted, then in the right time we..." Branch stated. "We jump him!?" Barb said excited. "They'll be no...jumping on trolls" Branch said. Barb groaned.

They all get into their positions and wait for the moment to get Creek. They waited. Till Barb couldn't wait anymore, she went and jumped Creek. The gang face palms, then walks towards Creek. Creek sees them and runs. They all try to run for him but couldn't make it. "Darn it" Branch said frustrated. Poppy goes to him a puts her hand on his shoulder. "We'll get him next time" Barb said. "You should've stayed in your spot and this would've not happened but you didn't want to" Branch said going to Barb. They both start to argue. Poppy sprinted to them for them not to fight. "They both care about me so they won't hit me, right?" She though. Poppy went towards them then stop them. "Okay, guys, let's not fight about it". "Okay, fine" Branch and Barb said. "Good" Poppy said.

(It is night time again)

They all lay next to the fire and getting ready to sleep. Barb lays down but hears Poppy singing. "Stars shining right above you...." Poppy sang till Barb interrupted her. "Really Popcorn, you're singing now?" Barb said angrily. "Yes, singing helps me relax, maybe you should try it" Poppy said, fixing her leaf blanket. "I'm not going to sing or going to relax, now sleep" Barb scolded. Poppy looks at Barb laying down, then gets an idea. "Hello darkness my old friend, i've come to talk with you again" Poppy sang. Barb hears this a looks at her 😟. "Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within' the sound of silence" Poppy finished, playing her ukulele. Barb getting up, Poppy hands her ukulele to Barb to play it, but instead she throws it into the fire, then goes to sleep. "That's what Branch did when we went to Bergen town for the first time" Poppy thought. She went to sleep like the others.

(In the morning)

They all go look for Creek, and Poppy sees Barb frustrated, so she walks towards her. "Hey, what's going on with you, last night you through my ukulele into the fire. What's bugging you?" Poppy asked. "N-nothing's bugging me" Barb said, looking away. "Come on, we both know that theirs something going on. Tell me" Poppy said. Barb takes a deep breath. "Well, when you told me last night there's not going to be fighting involved, I walked away, and sat down on a log, well Riff came to sit next to me and said 'Don't worry Barb you'll have you fighting chance' then he looked at me in the eye, I leaned in, but I didn't kiss him, instead I said to not look me in the eye. I messed up, Poppy, I messed up" Barb said sadly in the end. "Oh that's why you're sad. I thought it was that time in the month again. That explains a lot" Poppy explained. Barb groaned. "But hey.." Poppy turned her head around. "They'll be other chances, it was just not that moment" Poppy comforted her. Barb smiles. "Thanks Poppy, I really need that" Barb hugged her tightly. "Yep, that's what friends are for" Poppy said out of breath. "You gotta stop hugging tightly, you're going to break someone's back" Poppy said, straightening her back. "Sorry, I do that a lot" Barb confirmed.

Riff goes to Branch. "Hey" Riff said. "Sup" Branch said. "I got girl problems, and I heard you're Mr. Romantic, so can you help me?" Riff asked. "Okay, so you do this, when we go back home you take Barb to her favorite place and You'll-" Branch was cut off by Riff. "Who said anything about Barb, I didn't say anything about her!" Riff said nervously. "Bro, it's obvious you have a crush on her, and she does too..." Branch told him. "B-but..." Riff stuttered. "No 'buts'. Take her to her favorite place and you get her to fall for you" Branch said. "But if you too end up together; if you break her heart, I'll break your drum set, your heard?!" Branch scolded. "Okay, dude, calm down, it's not like you're her brother or something, chill dude" Riff said. Branch rolled his eyes.


This is a long one.
And yes, I did use some lines from the first movie.
Bye Broppy lovers!


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