Coming Home - part two

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Louis woke up in the morning with no recollection of the night before and enveloped in a familiar scent. Taking a deep breath, he was bombarded by memories of last night and instantly sat up, jumping on top of a still sleeping Harry and trying to wake him up.

"Hazzie, wake up!!! It's morning, and I need kisses from you."

Harry slowly fluttered his eyes open and smiled big when he saw Louis looming on top of him, bouncing up and down.

"Hi baby, how are you this morning?"

"Good, but I could be better if you gave me some kissies." Louis said cheekily.

Harry smirked at that and pulled Louis down to him, smothering him with kisses and cuddles.


They both walked downstairs after a few minutes, Louis still unaware of the other people in his home.

Needless to say, he was extremely surprised when he saw all his friends sitting in his living room. He froze in the doorway and broke down crying, emotional after not seeing some of the most important people in his life in three months.

Ed, Lexi, Zayn, Lea and Liam all came running for a group hug with Louis, who was now sitting in Harry's lap.


They were now all sitting on the sofas, watching movies while Louis was sleeping soundly in Lexi's arms.

"Lex, you have been hogging Louis for two hours now, give him back." Harry demanded. Lexi rolled her eyes, but let Harry pick Louis up and carry him to the loveseat, manhandling him into his lap.

Louis stirred and whimpered, digging his face into Harry's chest. Harry just cooed in his ears and gently scratched his hair, lulling him back to sleep.

The rest of the evening was spent like that, with Louis on Harry's lap, watching old movies and eating pizza.


Louis had come to know about their university situation the next day and he was flooded with tears, ecstatic about having his Daddy and friends so close to him.

" Sweetheart, let's go. Lex is already at the apartment." A few weeks later and Louis was now going with Harry to see his and Lexi's living quarters.

The space was enough for two people to live in with two bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen and a spacious living room. Harry had gone as far as to make Louis a closet in his room filled with supplies such as nappies, powder, bottles and pacifiers. Upon seeing it, Louis had squealed and jumped into Harry's arms giving him many kisses.

Everything was set for them to start uni and they had already come up with a schedule to spend as much time as possible with Louis.

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